

Options Calculator

Föll til verðlagningar á valréttum.

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DailyChangesDaily price changes for a given symbol and a given time interval
DailyPricesClosing prices for a given symbol and time interval
HistoricalVolHistorical Volatility for a given symbol and date interval. If Frequency is 52, weekly price changes will be used. If Frequency is 12 monthly price changes will be used, otherwise daily price changes are used.
MonthlyChangesChanges in prices between months for a given symbol and date interval
MonthlyPricesClosing prices for the last day of the month, for a given symbol and date interval
OptionValueCalculates the value of an European option
WeeklyChangesWeekly prices changes for a given symbol and date interval
WeeklyPricesClosing prices for the last day of the week for a given symbol and date interval

Loan Calculator

Reiknar út almenn verðtryggð lán. Greiðsluflæði, heildar afborganir, verðtrygging og hlutfallstala kostnaðar.

Föll og runur



APREffective APR (EAR) - The effective APR is the fee+compound interest rate (calculated across a year)
GetCashflowReturns all payments split into payment of principal, fees, interests and inflation
TotalInflationSum of all index linked payments
TotalInterestSum of all interest payments
TotalPaymentFeeSum of all fee payments
TotalPaymentsSum of all payments
TotalPaymentsWithoutFeeSum of all payments, less all fees
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Options Calculator

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