


Upplýsingar frá Verðbréfaskráningu Íslands.

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CompanyListList of the companies that provide owner information
CompanyOwnerLatestDateDReturns the latest date where we have ownership information for this stock.
CompanyOwnerLatestPercentageDReturns the latest percentage holding for a given owner at the given date (or the previous 6 days).
CompanyOwnerLatestSharesDReturns latest information on ownership of shares on or before a certain date.
CompanyOwnersOwners that are or have been on the top 20 shareholder lists
CompanyOwnSharesReturns the number of own shares the company owns
CompanyOwnSharesDReturns the number of own shares a company owns at a given date
CompanyOwnSharesPercentageReturns the percentage of own shares a company owns. 1% is returned as 0,01
CompanyOwnSharesPercentageDreturns the percentage of own shares a company owns on a given day
CompanySharesreturns the largest shareholders for a given symbol
CompanySharesAllReturns latest information for largest shareholders for all companies
CompanySharesAllChangeDDReturns change in shares and percentage between two dates for all icelandic equities
CompanySharesDReturns the list of largest shareholders in a given company on a given day

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