Einar Oddsson
Owned by Einar Oddsson
Föll og runur til að sækja gengi gjaldmiðla, frá Seðlabanka Íslands og öðrum birgjum.
Föll og runur
Nafn | Lýsing |
CBCurrencyAveRate | Returns the current average exchange rate against ISK for a given currency. This exchange rate comes from the Central Bank of Iceland. If currencyname = ISK then it returns the average rate of ISK not 1. |
CBCurrencyAveRateD | Returns the average exchange rate against ISK for a given currency and date. This exchange rate comes from the Central Bank of Iceland. If currencyname = 'ISK' it returns the average rate of ISK not 1. |
CBCurrencyAveRateDD | Returns an average of the average exchange rate against ISK for a given currency and period. This exchange rate comes from the Central bank of Iceland |
CBCurrencyBuyRateD | Returns the buy exchange rate against ISK for a given currency and date. This exchange rate comes from the Central Bank of Iceland |
CBCurrencyRatesD | Returns exchange rates aginst ISK from the Central Bank of Iceland for all available currencies on a given day |
CBCurrencyRatesDD | Returns exchange rates against ISK from the Central Bank of Iceland for a given currency and period |
CBCurrencySellRateD | Returns the sell exchange rate against ISK for a given currency and date. This exchange rate comes from the Central Bank of Iceland |
CBExchRateIndices | Returns the current average rate for a given exchange rate index (SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4 or SB*) from the Central Bank of Iceland. |
CBExchRateIndicesD | Returns the current average rate for a given date and exchange rate index (SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4) or ISK for the official index from the Central Bank of Iceland. |
CBExchRateIndicesDD | Returns the current averagerate for a given time period and exchange rate index (SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4 or SB*) from the Central Bank of Iceland |
CBExchRateIndicesTypes | Name and description of the indices from the Central Bank of Iceland. |
CrossRate | Returns the latest Cross rate for a given currency cross (e.g. "USDCAD") on a given day. The Crosses come from Central banks, banks and exchange bureaus or are derived from those sources. |
CrossRateD | Returns the Cross rate for a given currency cross (e.g. "USDCAD") on a given day. The Crosses come from Central banks, banks and exchange bureaus or are derived from those sources. |
CrossRateDD | Returns the closing Cross rate for a given currency cross (e.g. "USDCAD") for a given period. |
CurrencyInterbankCBIBuysISKD | Total ISK bought by the central bank in the interbank currency market as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in ISK millions on a given date. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days) |
CurrencyInterbankCBIBuysISKSumDD | Total ISK bought by the central bank in the interbank currency market as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in ISK millions on a given date range. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days) |
CurrencyInterbankCBISellsISKD | Total ISK sold by the central bank on the interbank currency market as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in ISK millions on a given date. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days) |
CurrencyInterbankCBISellsISKSumDD | Total ISK sold by the central bank on the interbank currency market as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in ISK millions on a given date range. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days) |
CurrencyInterbankCBITotalVolumeEURD | Interbank currency volume as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in EUR millions on a given date. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days) |
CurrencyInterbankCBITotalVolumeEURSumDD | Interbank currency volume as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in EUR millions on a given date range. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days) |
CurrencyInterbankCBITotalVolumeISKD | Interbank currency volume as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in ISK millions on a given date. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days) |
CurrencyTypes | Returns all available currency types |
FXCrossRateD | Returns the average rate for a given currency cross, base and source. |
OffshoreEURISKBuyD | Returns the latest offshore EURISK value from Deutsche Bank for a given date. The data is updated weekly |
OffshoreEURISKSellD | Returns the latest Offshore EURISK value from Deutshe Bank for a given date. The data is updated weekly |
Currencies Intraday
Föl og runur til að sækja gengi gjaldmiðla innan dags.
Föll og runur
Nafn | Lýsing |
FXCrossesAvailable | Returns the currency crosses available and when they were last updated. |
FXDataSourceDescription | Returns a description of the given data source |
FXDataSources | Data sources for intraday currency data |
FXLastRateD | Returns the latest cross rate for a given currency cross before a given date time from a given data source |
FXLastRateDateTimeD | Returns the date and time for the latest information for a given source, currency cross before or on the given date and time. |
FXRateDD | Returns a data set including date and time, bid, average rate, ask for a given currency cross and a given date time range for a given data source |
FXRateLast | Returns the latest intraday cross rate for a given currency cross and given data source. |
FXRateLastAsk | Returns the latest sell rate for a given currency cross from a given data source |
FXRateLastBid | Returns the latest buy rate for a given currency cross from a given data source |
FXRateToday | Returns a dataset including the date and time, bid, average rate, ask for a given currency cross from a given data source |
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