


Föll og runur til að sækja gengi gjaldmiðla, frá Seðlabanka Íslands og öðrum birgjum.

Föll og runur

CBCurrencyAveRateReturns the current average exchange rate against ISK for a given currency. This exchange rate comes from the Central Bank of Iceland. If currencyname = ISK then it returns the average rate of ISK not 1.
CBCurrencyAveRateDReturns the average exchange rate against ISK for a given currency and date. This exchange rate comes from the Central Bank of Iceland. If currencyname = 'ISK' it returns the average rate of ISK not 1.
CBCurrencyAveRateDDReturns an average of the average exchange rate against ISK for a given currency and period. This exchange rate comes from the Central bank of Iceland
CBCurrencyBuyRateDReturns the buy exchange rate against ISK for a given currency and date. This exchange rate comes from the Central Bank of Iceland
CBCurrencyRatesDReturns exchange rates aginst ISK from the Central Bank of Iceland for all available currencies on a given day
CBCurrencyRatesDDReturns exchange rates against ISK from the Central Bank of Iceland for a given currency and period
CBCurrencySellRateDReturns the sell exchange rate against ISK for a given currency and date. This exchange rate comes from the Central Bank of Iceland
CBExchRateIndicesReturns the current average rate for a given exchange rate index (SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4 or SB*) from the Central Bank of Iceland.
CBExchRateIndicesDReturns the current average rate for a given date and exchange rate index (SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4) or ISK for the official index from the Central Bank of Iceland.
CBExchRateIndicesDDReturns the current averagerate for a given time period and exchange rate index (SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4 or SB*) from the Central Bank of Iceland
CBExchRateIndicesTypesName and description of the indices from the Central Bank of Iceland.
CrossRateReturns the latest Cross rate for a given currency cross (e.g. "USDCAD") on a given day. The Crosses come from Central banks, banks and exchange bureaus or are derived from those sources.
CrossRateDReturns the Cross rate for a given currency cross (e.g. "USDCAD") on a given day. The Crosses come from Central banks, banks and exchange bureaus or are derived from those sources.
CrossRateDDReturns the closing Cross rate for a given currency cross (e.g. "USDCAD") for a given period.
CurrencyInterbankCBIBuysISKDTotal ISK bought by the central bank in the interbank currency market as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in ISK millions on a given date. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days)
CurrencyInterbankCBIBuysISKSumDDTotal ISK bought by the central bank in the interbank currency market as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in ISK millions on a given date range. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days)
CurrencyInterbankCBISellsISKDTotal ISK sold by the central bank on the interbank currency market as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in ISK millions on a given date. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days)
CurrencyInterbankCBISellsISKSumDDTotal ISK sold by the central bank on the interbank currency market as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in ISK millions on a given date range. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days)
CurrencyInterbankCBITotalVolumeEURDInterbank currency volume as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in EUR millions on a given date. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days)
CurrencyInterbankCBITotalVolumeEURSumDDInterbank currency volume as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in EUR millions on a given date range. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days)
CurrencyInterbankCBITotalVolumeISKDInterbank currency volume as reported by Central Bank of Iceland in ISK millions on a given date. (Note. CBI reports volumes with a lag of three business days)
CurrencyTypesReturns all available currency types
FXCrossRateDReturns the average rate for a given currency cross, base and source.
OffshoreEURISKBuyDReturns the latest offshore EURISK value from Deutsche Bank for a given date. The data is updated weekly
OffshoreEURISKSellDReturns the latest Offshore EURISK value from Deutshe Bank for a given date. The data is updated weekly

Currencies Intraday

Föl og runur til að sækja gengi gjaldmiðla innan dags.

Föll og runur

FXCrossesAvailableReturns the currency crosses available and when they were last updated.
FXDataSourceDescriptionReturns a description of the given data source
FXDataSourcesData sources for intraday currency data
FXLastRateDReturns the latest cross rate for a given currency cross before a given date time from a given data source
FXLastRateDateTimeDReturns the date and time for the latest information for a given source, currency cross before or on the given date and time.
FXRateDDReturns a data set including date and time, bid, average rate, ask for a given currency cross and a given date time range for a given data source
FXRateLastReturns the latest intraday cross rate for a given currency cross and given data source.
FXRateLastAskReturns the latest sell rate for a given currency cross from a given data source
FXRateLastBidReturns the latest buy rate for a given currency cross from a given data source
FXRateTodayReturns a dataset including the date and time, bid, average rate, ask for a given currency cross from a given data source
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