Hér má finna upplýsingar um allar þjónustur í KODIAK Excel sem viðkemur óskráðum fyrirtækjum.
Ársreikningar óskráðra íslenskra fyrirtækja. Ítarlegar upplýsingar úr rekstarreikningi, efnahagsreikningi og sjóðstreymi
Þjónustur | Lýsing |
Fin300LargestY | Returns a list of the 300 largest companies for a given year |
FinAddress | Returns the address for a given company ID |
FinAddressPostalCode | Returns the postal code for a given company id |
FinAuditor | Returns the auditor for a given id number |
FinAvailableReportsS | Returns the available reports for a given company id (Icelandic: Kennitala). |
FinAverageEbitdaRatio | Returns the income weighted average ebitda ratio for a given isat id and year |
FinAverageEquityRatioYI | Returns the income weighted average equity ratio for a given isat id and year |
FinCompanyByParameters | Returns a list maximum of 300 companies for a given range of income Newest income available and not older than 2020. |
FinCompanyName | Returns the company name for a given company ID. |
FinCountIsatCompanies | Counts the number of companies for a given isat id and year |
FinFullReportSYP | Returns a full report with all available keys for a given company ID, fiscal year and period name |
FinIndustryByCompany | Returns the industry for a given id |
FinIsat | Returns all ISAT categories |
FinIsatByCompany | Returns the step 5 ISAT category for a given company ID |
FinIsatDescription | Returns ISAT description for a given ISAT category |
FinISATStepFive | Returns a list of companies given an ISAT Step 5 category |
FinISATStepFiveDetails | FinIsatStep5 plus Ebitda % and Equity % |
FinISATStepTwo | Returns a list of companies given an ISAT Step 2 category |
FinISATStepTwoDetails | FinISATStepTwo plus Ebitda % and Equity % |
FinKeyLookupSYK | Returns the value for a given key in a given report for a given company. |
FinKeyNameEN | Returns the name of the key in English |
FinKeyNameIS | Returns the name of the key in Icelandic |
FinKeys | Returns all the keys used in the system |
FinLatestReportYear | Returns the latest available report year for a given id |
FinMyCompanies | Returns the companies you own. |
FinReportCurrencySY | Returns the currency for the given yearly report and company ID |
FinShareholders | Returns shareholders for a given year and a given company ID |
FinTotalEbitdaRatio | Returns the average weighted ebitda ratio for all icelandic companies for a given year |
FinTotalIncomeIskYI | Returns the total income in isk for a given isat id and year |
Sýnishorn | Skjal |
Financials Skjal sem sýnir notkun á föllum og runum fyrir möppuna Financials. Sýnir meðal annars ársreikninga óskráðra fyrirtækja og samanburð á lykiltölum. Þá sýnir skjalið einnig lista fyrirtækja eftir ÍSAT flokkum.