Uppfærslur og ný gögn
Hér eru upplýsingar um ný gögn og uppfærslur í KODIAK Excel. Uppfæra þarf KODIAK Excel til að nota nýjar þjónustur.
Nov 30, 2023
Nýjar þjónustur
Nafn | Lýsing |
FinKeyLookupISK | Returns the value for a given key in a given report for a given company in ISK. |
FinISATStepTwo | Returns a list of companies given an ISAT Step 2 category |
FinISATStepTwoDetails | FinISATStepTwo plus Ebitda % and Equity % |
BondAmortizationType | Returns the amortization type for a given bond |
QuestorMarketCapD | Returns all symbols and market capital from XICE and First North for a given date. The data is not accurate before the year 2010. |
Oct 18, 2023
Nýjar þjónustur
Nafn | Lýsing |
FinAddress | Returns the address for a given company ID |
FinAddressPostalCode | Returns the postal code for a given company id |
Dec 7, 2022
Nýtt fall
Nafn | Lýsing |
BasePointSpread | Returns the premium on a bond |
Nov 22, 2022
Þjónustur hætta í notkun
Mappan BondsIndex uppfærir gögn ekki lengur. Vinsamlegast notið þjónusturnar í möppunni NasdaqOMXIndex.
Nafn | Lýsing |
AllBondsIndexDetailsD | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns value, orderbookweights and description for all indices on að given day |
AllBondsIndexSeriesDD | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns values for all indices and given period |
BondsIndexDetailsD | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns value, orderbookweights and description for a given index and day |
BondsIndexDetailsDD | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns values, orderbookweights and description for a given index and period |
BondsIndexList | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns a list of all bonds indices |
BondsIndexNetChange | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns the last netchange for a given index |
BondsIndexNetChangeD | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns net change for a given index and date |
BondsIndexPointChange | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns the last point change for a given index |
BondsIndexPointChangeD | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns point change for a given index and date |
BondsIndexSeriesDD | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns values for a given index and period |
BondsIndexValue | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns the current value for a given index |
BondsIndexValueD | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns value for a given index and date |
BondsIndexYield | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns the current yield for a given index |
BondsIndexYieldD | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns yield for a given index and date |
BondsIndexYieldSeriesDD | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns values for a given index and period. Skips lines where the index yield is not known |
OrderbookWeight | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns the weight of a given orderbook in a given index |
OrderbookWeightD | DEPRECATED - values not updating anymore. Returns a weight of an instrument in a given index on a given day |
Sep 21, 2022
Nýjar þjónustur
Uppfæra þarf KODIAK Excel til að nota nýju föllin og runurnar.
Mappa | Nafn | Lýsing | Gerð |
Financials | FinISATStepFiveDetails | FinIsatStep5 plus Ebitda % and Equity % | Query |
GenderLens | GGenderLensFullReport | Gefur lista yfir öll fyrirtæki, með öllum upplýsingum um kynjaskiptingu og stærðir stjórna og frkv.stjórna fyrir ákveðið tímabil | Query |
GenderLens | GGenderLensScore | Gefur GEMMAQ einkunn fyrir gefinn ticker | Function |
GenderLens | GGenderOfCEO | Gefur kyn stjórnarformanns fyrir gefinn ticker | Function |
GenderLens | GGenderOfChair | Gefur kyn framkvæmdastjóra fyrir gefinn ticker | Function |
GenderLens | GSizeOfBoard | Gefur stærð stjórnar fyrir gefinn ticker og dags. | Function |
GenderLens | GSizeOfDirectors | Gefur stærð framkvæmdastjórnar fyrir gefinn ticker og dags. | Function |
GenderLens | GWomenOfBoard | Gefur fjölda kvenna í stjórn fyrir gefinn ticker og dags. | Function |
GenderLens | GWomenOfDirectors | Gefur fjölda kvenna í framkvæmdarstjórn fyrir gefinn ticker og dags. | Function |
NasdaqOMXPrices | Vwap | Returns the intraday VWAP (volume weighted average price) for a given symbol | Function |
Questor | QuestorLatestYearlyReportYearD | Returns the fiscal year for the latest yearly report for a given company on or before a given date | Function |