Einar Oddsson
Owned by Einar Oddsson
Föll og runur til að sækja vexti gjaldmiðla, t.d. LIBOR, REIBOR, EURIBOR o.fl.
Föll og runur
Nafn | Lýsing |
AllLiborD | Returns liborvalues for all available currencies for a given libortype and date. All libortypes can be found in the query LiborTypesList. |
Bubor | Returns the current bubor rate for a given bubor type. All bubor types can be found in the query BuborTypeList. |
BuborAllDD | Returns bubor values for all bubor types for a given period |
BuborD | Returns the bubor rate for a given date and bubor type. All bubor types can be found in the query BuborTypesList. |
BuborDD | Returns bubor information for a given period and bubor type. All bubor types can be found in the query BuborTypesList. |
BuborTypeList | Returns a list of all bubor types |
CBI28DagaInnlanD | Latest value at or before the given date |
CBI28DagaInnlanDD | Innstæðubréf, 28 daga, hámarksvextir, vextir Seðlabanka Íslands. |
CBI7DagaInnlanD | Latest value at or before the given date |
CBI7DagaInnlanDD | Innlán bundin, 7 daga, flatir vextir |
CBIDaglanavextirD | Latest value at or before a given date |
CBIDaglanavextirDD | Daglán, forvextir, vextir Seðlabanka Íslands. |
CBIStyrivextirD | Latest value at or before the given date |
CBIStyrivextirDD | Stýrivextir Seðlabanka Íslands, forvextir, lán gegn veði í verðbréfum til 7 daga. |
CBIVedlan7DagaD | Stýrivextir Seðlabanka Íslands, forvextir, lán gegn veði í verðbréfum til 7 daga. |
CBIVedlan7DagaDD | Stýrivextir Seðlabanka Íslands, forvextir, lán gegn veði í verðbréfum til 7 daga. |
CBIVidskiptareikningarInnlanastofnannaD | Latest value at or before the given date |
CBIVidskiptareikningarInnlanastofnannaDD | Viðskiptareikningar innlánsstofnana, vextir Seðlabanka Íslands. |
Cibor | Returns the current cibor rate for a given cibor type. All cibor types can be found in the query CiborTypeList. |
CiborAllDD | Returns cibor values for all cibor types for a given period |
CiborD | Returns the cibor rate for a given date and cibor type. All cibor types can be found in the query CiborTypeList. |
CiborDD | Returns cibor information for a given period and cibor type. All cibor types can be found in the query CiborTypeList. |
CiborTypeList | Returns a list of all cibor types |
Euribor | Returns the current euribor rate for a given euribor type |
EuriborAllDD | Returns euribor values for all euribor types for a given period |
EuriborD | Returns the euribor rate for a given date and euribor type |
EuriborDD | Returns euribor information for a given period and euribor type |
Hibor | Returns the current hibor rate for a given hibor type. All hibor types can be found in the query HiborTypelist. |
HiborAllDD | Returns hibor values for all hibor types for a given period |
HiborD | Returns the hibor rate for a given date and hibor type. All hibor types can be found in the query HiborTypelist. |
HiborDD | Returns hibor information for a given period and hibor type. All hibor types can be found in the query HiborTypelist. |
HiborTypelist | Returns a list of all hibor types |
IborRateD | Returns the interbank offered rate for a given currency, ibor name, maturity on a given date. |
IborRateLatestDateD | Returns the latest date on which a value exists for a given currency, ibor name and maturity on or before a given date. |
Libor | Returns the current libor rate for a given currency and libor type. All libor types can be found in the query LiborTypeList. |
LiborAllDD | Returns libor values for all libor types for a given period and currency |
LiborCurrTypes | Returns a list of all currencies which can be used in the libor functions and queries |
LiborD | Returns the libor rate for a given date, currency and libor type. All libor types can be found in the query LiborTypeList. |
LiborDD | Returns libor information for a given period, currency and libor type. All libor types can be found in the query LiborTypeList. |
LiborTypeList | Returns a list of all libor types |
Oibor | Returns the current oibor rate for a given oibor type. All oibor types can be found in the query OiborTypeList. |
OiborAllDD | Returns oibor values for all oibor types for a given period. |
OiborD | Returns the oibor rate for a given date and oibor type. All oibor types can be found in the query OiborTypeList. |
OiborDD | Returns oibor information for a given period and oibor type. All oibor types can be found in the query OiborTypeList. |
OiborTypeList | Returns a list of all oibor types |
Reibid | Returns the current reibid rate for a given reibid type |
ReibidAllDD | Returns reibid values for all reibid types for a given period |
ReibidD | Returns the reibid rate for a given date and reibid type |
ReibidDD | Returns reibid information for a given period and reibid type |
Reibor | Returns the current reibor rate for a given reibor type. All reibor types can be found in the query ReiborTypeList. |
ReiborAllDD | Returns reibor values for all reibor types for a given period |
ReiborD | Returns the reibor rate for a given date and rebor type. All reibor types can be found in the query ReiborTypeList. |
ReiborDD | Returns reibor information for a given period and reibor type. All reibor types can be found in the query ReiborTypeList. |
ReiborTypeList | Returns a list of all reibor types |
Sofibor | Returns the current sofibor rate for a given sofibor type. All sofibor types can be found in the query SofiborTypeList. |
SofiborAllDD | Returns sofibor values for all sofibor types for a given period. |
SofiborD | Returns the sofibor rate for a given date and sofibor type. All sofibor types can be found in the query SofiborTypeList. |
SofiborDD | Returns sofibor information for a given period and sofibor type. All sofibor types can be found in the query SofiborTypeList. |
SofiborTypeList | Returns a list of all sofibor types |
Stibor | Returns the current stibor rate for a given stibor type. All stibor types can be found in the query StiborTypeList. |
StiborAllDD | Returns stibor values for all stibor types for a given period |
StiborD | Returns the stibor rate for a given date and stibor type. All stibor types can be found in the query StiborTypeList. |
StiborDD | Returns stibor information for a given period and stibor type. All stibor types can be found in the query StiborTypeList. |
StiborTypeList | Returns a list of all stibor types |
SwapAverageRate | Returns swap averagerate for a given currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList. |
SwapAverageRateAllDD | Returns Swap averagerates for all swap types for a given period and currency |
SwapAverageRateD | Returns the swap averagerate for a given date, currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList. |
SwapBuyRate | Returns swap buyrate for a given currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList. |
SwapBuyRateAllDD | Returns Swap buyrates for all swaptypes for a given period and currency |
SwapBuyRateD | Returns the swap buyrate for a given date, currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList. |
SwapCurrencyList | Returns a list of currencies that have Swap-rates available. |
SwapCurrencyTypeList | Returns a list of swaprate types for a given currency. |
SwapRateDD | Returns Swap information for a given period, currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList. |
SwapSellRate | Returns swap sellrate for a given currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList. |
SwapSellRateAllDD | Returns Swap sellrates for all swaptypes for a given period and currency. |
SwapSellRateD | Returns the swap sellrate for a given date, currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList. |
SwapTypeList | Returns a list of all swaprate types |
Wibor | Returns the current wibor rate for a given wibor type. Wibor types can be found in the query WiborTypeList. |
WiborAllDD | Returns wibor values for all wibor types for a given period |
WiborD | Returns the wibor rate for a given date and wibor type. Wibor types can be found in the query WiborTypeList. |
WiborDD | Returns wibor information for a given period and wibor type. Wibor types can be found in the query WiborTypeList. |
WiborTypeList | Returns a list of all wibor types |
Example sheets |
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