


Föll og runur til að sækja vexti gjaldmiðla, t.d. LIBOR, REIBOR, EURIBOR o.fl.

Föll og runur

AllLiborDReturns liborvalues for all available currencies for a given libortype and date. All libortypes can be found in the query LiborTypesList.
BuborReturns the current bubor rate for a given bubor type. All bubor types can be found in the query BuborTypeList.
BuborAllDDReturns bubor values for all bubor types for a given period
BuborDReturns the bubor rate for a given date and bubor type. All bubor types can be found in the query BuborTypesList.
BuborDDReturns bubor information for a given period and bubor type. All bubor types can be found in the query BuborTypesList.
BuborTypeListReturns a list of all bubor types
CBI28DagaInnlanDLatest value at or before the given date
CBI28DagaInnlanDDInnstæðubréf, 28 daga, hámarksvextir, vextir Seðlabanka Íslands.
CBI7DagaInnlanDLatest value at or before the given date
CBI7DagaInnlanDDInnlán bundin, 7 daga, flatir vextir
CBIDaglanavextirDLatest value at or before a given date
CBIDaglanavextirDDDaglán, forvextir, vextir Seðlabanka Íslands.
CBIStyrivextirDLatest value at or before the given date
CBIStyrivextirDDStýrivextir Seðlabanka Íslands, forvextir, lán gegn veði í verðbréfum til 7 daga.
CBIVedlan7DagaDStýrivextir Seðlabanka Íslands, forvextir, lán gegn veði í verðbréfum til 7 daga.
CBIVedlan7DagaDDStýrivextir Seðlabanka Íslands, forvextir, lán gegn veði í verðbréfum til 7 daga.
CBIVidskiptareikningarInnlanastofnannaDLatest value at or before the given date
CBIVidskiptareikningarInnlanastofnannaDDViðskiptareikningar innlánsstofnana, vextir Seðlabanka Íslands.
CiborReturns the current cibor rate for a given cibor type. All cibor types can be found in the query CiborTypeList.
CiborAllDDReturns cibor values for all cibor types for a given period
CiborDReturns the cibor rate for a given date and cibor type. All cibor types can be found in the query CiborTypeList.
CiborDDReturns cibor information for a given period and cibor type. All cibor types can be found in the query CiborTypeList.
CiborTypeListReturns a list of all cibor types
EuriborReturns the current euribor rate for a given euribor type
EuriborAllDDReturns euribor values for all euribor types for a given period
EuriborDReturns the euribor rate for a given date and euribor type
EuriborDDReturns euribor information for a given period and euribor type
HiborReturns the current hibor rate for a given hibor type. All hibor types can be found in the query HiborTypelist.
HiborAllDDReturns hibor values for all hibor types for a given period
HiborDReturns the hibor rate for a given date and hibor type. All hibor types can be found in the query HiborTypelist.
HiborDDReturns hibor information for a given period and hibor type. All hibor types can be found in the query HiborTypelist.
HiborTypelistReturns a list of all hibor types
IborRateDReturns the interbank offered rate for a given currency, ibor name, maturity on a given date.
IborRateLatestDateDReturns the latest date on which a value exists for a given currency, ibor name and maturity on or before a given date.
LiborReturns the current libor rate for a given currency and libor type. All libor types can be found in the query LiborTypeList.
LiborAllDDReturns libor values for all libor types for a given period and currency
LiborCurrTypesReturns a list of all currencies which can be used in the libor functions and queries
LiborDReturns the libor rate for a given date, currency and libor type. All libor types can be found in the query LiborTypeList.
LiborDDReturns libor information for a given period, currency and libor type. All libor types can be found in the query LiborTypeList.
LiborTypeListReturns a list of all libor types
OiborReturns the current oibor rate for a given oibor type. All oibor types can be found in the query OiborTypeList.
OiborAllDDReturns oibor values for all oibor types for a given period.
OiborDReturns the oibor rate for a given date and oibor type. All oibor types can be found in the query OiborTypeList.
OiborDDReturns oibor information for a given period and oibor type. All oibor types can be found in the query OiborTypeList.
OiborTypeListReturns a list of all oibor types
ReibidReturns the current reibid rate for a given reibid type
ReibidAllDDReturns reibid values for all reibid types for a given period
ReibidDReturns the reibid rate for a given date and reibid type
ReibidDDReturns reibid information for a given period and reibid type
ReiborReturns the current reibor rate for a given reibor type. All reibor types can be found in the query ReiborTypeList.
ReiborAllDDReturns reibor values for all reibor types for a given period
ReiborDReturns the reibor rate for a given date and rebor type. All reibor types can be found in the query ReiborTypeList.
ReiborDDReturns reibor information for a given period and reibor type. All reibor types can be found in the query ReiborTypeList.
ReiborTypeListReturns a list of all reibor types
SofiborReturns the current sofibor rate for a given sofibor type. All sofibor types can be found in the query SofiborTypeList.
SofiborAllDDReturns sofibor values for all sofibor types for a given period.
SofiborDReturns the sofibor rate for a given date and sofibor type. All sofibor types can be found in the query SofiborTypeList.
SofiborDDReturns sofibor information for a given period and sofibor type. All sofibor types can be found in the query SofiborTypeList.
SofiborTypeListReturns a list of all sofibor types
StiborReturns the current stibor rate for a given stibor type. All stibor types can be found in the query StiborTypeList.
StiborAllDDReturns stibor values for all stibor types for a given period
StiborDReturns the stibor rate for a given date and stibor type. All stibor types can be found in the query StiborTypeList.
StiborDDReturns stibor information for a given period and stibor type. All stibor types can be found in the query StiborTypeList.
StiborTypeListReturns a list of all stibor types
SwapAverageRateReturns swap averagerate for a given currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList.
SwapAverageRateAllDDReturns Swap averagerates for all swap types for a given period and currency
SwapAverageRateDReturns the swap averagerate for a given date, currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList.
SwapBuyRateReturns swap buyrate for a given currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList.
SwapBuyRateAllDDReturns Swap buyrates for all swaptypes for a given period and currency
SwapBuyRateDReturns the swap buyrate for a given date, currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList.
SwapCurrencyListReturns a list of currencies that have Swap-rates available.
SwapCurrencyTypeListReturns a list of swaprate types for a given currency.
SwapRateDDReturns Swap information for a given period, currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList.
SwapSellRateReturns swap sellrate for a given currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList.
SwapSellRateAllDDReturns Swap sellrates for all swaptypes for a given period and currency.
SwapSellRateDReturns the swap sellrate for a given date, currency and swap type. Swap types can be found in the query SwapTypeList.
SwapTypeListReturns a list of all swaprate types
WiborReturns the current wibor rate for a given wibor type. Wibor types can be found in the query WiborTypeList.
WiborAllDDReturns wibor values for all wibor types for a given period
WiborDReturns the wibor rate for a given date and wibor type. Wibor types can be found in the query WiborTypeList.
WiborDDReturns wibor information for a given period and wibor type. Wibor types can be found in the query WiborTypeList.
WiborTypeListReturns a list of all wibor types
Example sheets



LIBOR Alternative rates 


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