Utilities - Reference data

Utilities - Reference data

Reference data

Föll til að fletta upp ýmsum upplýsingum um skráð auðkenni.

Föll og runur

AmortizationTypeSReturns the amortization type for a given bond symbol
AverageDailyTurnoverReturns the average daily turnover given tradable. The yearly turnover, divided by the number of trading days, excluding negotiated (reported) trades according to the Nasdaq INET trading system
AverageDailyTurnoverEURReturns the average daily turnover as reported by the Nasdaq exchange in EUR
BaseIndexValueSReturns the base value for an index for a given bond symbol
BasicDataNameByCodeReturns the name based on a basic data id code
IsinReturns an ISIN code for a given symbol
IsinToSymbolReturns a symbol for a given ISIN code
IssuerNameReturns the name of a given issuer symbol
IssuerNameSReturns the issuer name for a given bond symbol
LISThresholdReturns the 'Large in scale' threshold in the trading currency (using the latest CBI rate)
LISThresholdEURReturns the 'Large in scale' threshold in EUR for the given share
ListingDateReturns the listing date of a given security
LongNameReturns the name for a given symbol
OwnSharesReturns the amount of shares owned by the company. Data comes from VBSI and is updated every Friday
OwnSharesDReturns the amount of own shares owned by the company at a given date. Data is from VBSI and is updated every Friday. The oldest data is from 20.03.2014
OwnSharesLatestDateDLatest date for which we have information on own shares before a given date regardless of symbol
OwnSharesLatestDateSDLatest date for which we have own shares for a given symbol and before a given date
ReferenceIndexSymbolSReturns the reference index for a given bond symbol.
SecurityTypeReturns the security type for a given symbol.
TotalIssueReturns the number of issued shares for a given symbol
TotalIssueDReturns the total number of shares for a given symbol on a given trading date
TotalIssueLatestDateSDLatest date for which we have Total Issued Shares for a given symbol and before a given trading date
TradableCurrencyReturns the issue currency of a given currency

Utilities - Stuðningsþjónustur

Ýmis föll og runur til að nota með öðrum þjónustum.

Upplýsingar um ýmiskonar forsendur og lista, svo sem lista af öllum skráðum auðkennum á hverjum undirmarkaði, lista af undirmörkuðum, lista af kauphallaraðilum og grunnupplýsingar um hvert auðkenni.

Upplýsingar um uppfærslutíma á nýjustu gögnum þannig að notendur geti séð ef gögn eru óeðlilega gömul og uppfærsla ekki eðlileg.

Föllin GeniusNow() og GeniusToday() eru KODIAK útgáfur af Excel föllunum Now() og Today() sem henta engan vegin með KODIAK og notendur skulu forðast að nota.

Föllin NextBusinessDay() og PriorBusinessDay() skila upplýsingum um síðasta og næsta viðskiptadag miðað við gefinn dag. 

Föll og runur

AllNasdaqOMXSymbolsReturns a list of all symbols listed on the Nasdaq OMX exchange
AllXICESymbolsDDReturns all symbols trading on the XICE exchange between two dates.
BankdaysCountDDReturns number of bankdays for a given period
BankdaysDDReturns all bankdays in a given period
DatabaseTimestampReturns the date and time when the summary trade information was registered in the database
GeniusNowReturns the time and date of the Genius database server.
GeniusTodayReturns the current date of the Genius database server.
IcexMemberNameReturns the name for a member symbol
IcexMembersReturns a list of all current members trading in the Icelandic Stock Exchange
IsoCountryCodeToNameReturns the english name for a given country IsoCode
LastDayOfMonthReturns the last day of a given month
NextBankdayReturns the next bankday according to a given date
NextBankday2Returns the next bankday according to a given date
NextBusinessDayReturns the next trading date according to a given date
NextBusinessdayTodayReturns the next businessday according to the current day
PreviousBusinessdayReturns the previous trade date according to a given date
SubMarketListReturns the names of all submarkets
SubMarketListExchangeReturns the names of all submarkets for a given exchange
SubmarketSymbolsReturns all symbols in a given submarket. To get a list of all submarkets use the SubMarketList method

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