Einar Oddsson
Magnús Norðdahl
Upplýsingar um vísitölur frá Nordic Exchange. Uppfærist í rauntíma innan viðskiptadags og geymir lokagildi hvers dag.
Sýnir m.a. lista af virkum vísitölum með nýjasta gildi og breytingu frá síðasta viðskiptadegi, frá áramótum og yfir síðustu 12 mánuði.
Hægt að skoða þróun hverrar vísitölu fyrir valið tímabil og skoða breytingar miðað við valda daga.
Föll og runur
Nafn | Lýsing |
IcexIndexesDD | Returns values for all indices for a given period |
IndexDiff12Months | Returns the value indicating the change over the last 12 months for an index |
IndexDiff12MonthsD | Returns the value indicating the change over the last 12 months for an index |
IndexDiff12MonthsPercent | Returns the percentage change over the last 12 months for an index |
IndexDiffToday | Returns the value indicating the change from a previous day for an index |
IndexDiffTodayD | Returns the value indicating the change from a previous day for an index for a given day |
IndexDiffTodayPercent | Returns the percentage change today for an index |
IndexDiffYear | Returns the nominal value indicating the change from the beginning of the year for an index |
IndexDiffYearD | Returns the value indicating the change from the beginning of the year for an index for a given day |
IndexDiffYearPercent | Returns the percentage change this year for an index |
IndexHighValue | Returns the high value today for an index |
IndexList | Returns the names, nationalnames and shortnames of all indices |
IndexLowValue | Returns the low value today for an index |
IndexName | Returns the national name of the Index |
IndexNames | Returns a list of all available indices with their current value and differences |
IndexOpenValue | Returns the open value today for an index |
IndexSeriesDD | Returns all records of a given index for a given period |
IndexSymbols | Returns all symbols for a given index |
IndexSymbolWeightD | Returns the weight of a given symbol in a given Index for a given date. Data collection started on the 1st of february 2012 |
IndexTurnover | Returns the current accumulated turnover for a given index |
IndexTurnoverD | Returns the accumulated turnover for a given index for a given day |
IndexUpdated | Returns the date and time for the last update of an index |
IndexUpdatedD | Returns the date and time for the last update of an index before or on a given day |
IndexValue | Returns the value for an index |
IndexValueD | Returns the value for an index for a given day |
Upplýsingar um rauntímaviðskipti í Nordic Exchange með beinni tengingu við INET viðskiptakerfið. Öll ný viðskipti og tilboð skráð en aðeins viðskipti sem mæta skilyrðum um „trading lot“ og tegund eru verðmyndandi.
Ef engin viðskipti finnast fyrir viðkomandi félag á yfirstandandi viðskiptadegi (eða ef spurt er um verð á degi sem ekki er viðskiptadagur) birtast verðupplýsingar sjálfkrafa frá ClosingPrices þjónustunni.
Þetta tryggir að notendur fá alltaf nýjustu og bestu upplýsingar sem möguleiki er á. Þessa þjónustu skal nota ef vinna á með nýjustu upplýsingar hverju sinni en ekki fyrir sögulega greiningu.
Föll og runur
Nafn | Lýsing |
AskPrice | Returns the best ask price for a given symbol |
AskQuantity | Returns the quantity of the current best ask for a given symbol |
BidPrice | Returns the best bid price for a given symbol. |
BidQuantity | Returns the quantity of the current best bid for a given symbol |
CurrentMarketValue | Returns the current marketvalue for a given symbol |
High12Months | Returns the highest price traded in the last 12 months for a given symbol |
High12MonthsDate | Returns the date at which the highest traded price occurred in the past 12 months. |
High4Weeks | Returns the highest price traded in the last four weeks for a given symbol |
High7Days | Returns the highest price traded in the last 7 days for a given symbol |
HighDD | Returns the highest price traded in a given period for a given symbol |
HighPrice | Returns the highest trade price during a business day. If no trade price is found then the latest closing high paid price is returned |
HighThisYear | Returns the highest price traded in this year for a given symbol |
LastPaidD | Returns the last paid price on a given day for a given symbol. The function only considers trades that update last price |
LastPrice | Returns the last priceforming trade price for a given symbol. If no trade price is found then the latest corrected official closing price is returned |
LastPriceD | Returns the last priceforming trade price for a given symbol and day. If no trade price is found then the latest corrected official closing price is returned |
LastPriceTradeTime | Returns the date and time of the last priceforming trade for a given symbol. If last trade was not today, only the date is returned. |
LastTradeDateD | Returns the trade date where the last trade happened for a given symbol on or before the given date. |
LastTradePrice | Returns the last trade price for a given symbol. |
Low12Months | Returns the lowest price traded in the last 12 months for a given symbol |
Low12MonthsDate | Returns the date at which the lowest traded price occurred in the past 12 months. |
Low4Weeks | Returns the lowest price traded in the last four weeks for a given symbol |
Low7Days | Returns the lowest price traded in the last 7 days for a given symbol |
LowDD | Returns the lowest price traded in a given period for a given symbol |
LowPrice | Returns the lowest trade price during a business day. If no trade price is found then the latest closing low paid price is returned |
LowThisYear | Returns the lowest price traded in this year for a given symbol |
MarketCapD | Returns the total market value for a given symbol and day. Outstanding shares are exclusive of shares held by the company itself. The closingprice for the given day is used as price. |
NetChange12Months | Returns the net price change in the last 12 months for a given symbol |
NetChange3Months | Returns the net price change in the last 3 months for a given symbol |
NetChange4Weeks | Returns the net price change in the last four weeks for a given symbol |
NetChange7Days | Returns the net price change in the last 7 days for a given symbol |
NetChangeThisYear | Returns the net price change (nominal) this year for a given symbol |
NetChangeToday | Returns the net price change within the current day for a given symbol |
NordicAskPrice | Returns the latest ask price for a given stock symbol. Applies to all NASDAQ Nordic exchanges |
NordicAskQuantity | Return the latest ask quantity for a given symbol. Applies to all NASDAQ Nordic symbols. |
NordicBidPrice | Returns the latest bid price for a given symbol. Applies to all NASDAQ Nordic exchanges. |
NordicBidQuantity | Return the latest bid quantity for a given stock symbol. Applies to all NASDAQ Nordic symbols. |
NordicLastPrice | Returns the last price forming trade price for a given symbol |
NordicLastPriceD | Returns the latest price forming price for a given symbol on or before the given trade date. |
NordicTurnoverToday | Returns the turnover (in trading currency) today for a given symbol. |
NordicVolumeToday | Returns the volume in shares today |
NumberOfTradesTotal | Returns the total number of trades in Saxess today for a given symbol. |
OpeningPrice | Returns the opening trade price during a business day. If no trade price is found then NULL is returned |
PerChangeCorrected30Days | Returns the percentage change in price between closing price 30 days ago and the latest price. Price used is the adjusted price for corporate actions. Calculating 30 days: Current date - 30 days, if the earlier date is a holiday then we use the latest date before that. |
PerChangeCorrected7Days | Returns the percentage change in price between closing price 7 days ago and the latest price. Price used is the adjusted price for corporate actions. Calculating 7 days: Current date - 7 days, if the earlier date is a holiday then we use the latest date before that. |
PerChangeCorrectedYTD | Returns the percentage change in price YTD. Price used is the adjusted price for corporate actions. |
Price4Weeks | Returns the price 4 weeks ago for a given symbol |
TotalAskOrders | Returns the total volume on the ask side of the book at a given time for a given symbol |
TotalBidOrders | Returns the total volume on the bid side of the book at a given time for a given symbol |
TradableAbsReturnDD | Returns the absolute price change including dividends or interest payments for a given tradable between two dates |
TradablePerReturnDD | Returns the percentage price change including dividends or interest payments for a given tradable between two dates |
TradablePerReturnReinvestDD | Returns the total return for a given bond between two dates where interest payments and index adjustments are reinvested. |
TradeCount12M | Returns the count of trades traded in the last 12 months for a given symbol |
TradeCount4Weeks | Returns the count of trades traded in the last 4 weeks for a given symbol |
TradeCount7Days | Returns the count of trades traded in the last 7 days for a given symbol |
TradeCountDD | Returns the count of trades traded in a given period for a given symbol |
TradeCountThisYear | Returns the count of trades traded this year for a given symbol |
TradeCountToday | Returns the total number of trades in Saxess today for a given symbol. |
TradedAmountTotal | Returns the total amount of trading in Saxess today for a given symbol. |
ValueTraded12M | Returns the total value traded in the last 12 months for a given symbol |
ValueTraded4Weeks | Returns the total value traded in the last 4 weeks for a given symbol |
ValueTraded7Days | Returns the total value traded in the last 7 days for a given symbol |
ValueTradedDD | Returns the total value traded in a given period for a given symbol |
ValueTradedOnExchangeDD | Returns volume * price for a given date period and a given symbol. Includes only trades executed on the exchange. |
ValueTradedThisYear | Returns the total value traded in this year for a given symbol |
ValueTradedToday | Returns the total value of trading (eligible for last price updates) today for a given symbol. |
ValueTradedTodayM | Returns the total value of trading today for a given market symbol |
ValueTradeReportsDD | Returns volume * price for a given date period. Includes only trade reports and OTC trades (Trade class = Non Standard) |
VolumeTraded12M | Returns the total volume traded in the last 12 months for a given symbol |
VolumeTraded4Weeks | Returns the total volume traded in the last 4 weeks for a given symbol |
VolumeTraded7Days | Returns the total volume traded in the last 7 days for a given symbol |
VolumeTradedDD | Returns the total volume traded in a given period for a given symbol |
VolumeTradedOnExchangeDD | Returns the total volume between two dates that was traded on the exchange. This does not include trades executed off the exchange and then reported. |
VolumeTradedThisYear | Returns the total volume traded in this year for a given symbol |
VolumeTradedToday | Returns the total volume of trading in Saxess today for a given symbol. |
VolumeTradeReportsDD | Returns the total volume of trade reports and OTC trades between two dates that were reported to the exchange. |
VwapAsk | Returns the volume weighted price on the ask side of the book at a given time for a given symbol |
VwapBid | Returns the volume weighted price on the bid side of the book at a given time for a given symbol |
Vwap | Returns the intraday VWAP (volume weighted average price) for a given symbol |
Samantekt á viðskiptum í Nordic Exchange. Hægt að skoða runur með öllum viðskiptum með ákveðið félag á ákveðnum degi eða dagbili, öll viðskipti á ákveðnum undirmarkaði, öll gildandi tilboð með ákveðið félag o.s.frv.
Sýnir m.a. upplýsingar um markaðsaðila (CompanyBuy/CompanySell). Hentar vel fyrir rauntímayfirlit og greiningu t.d. með Pivot töflum og gröfum.
Föll og runur
Nafn | Lýsing |
AllTrades | Returns all the trades for the current day |
AllTradesBothSidesDD | Returns two records for each trade for a given period, one for the buyer and one for the seller. |
AllTradesD | Returns all the trades for a given day |
AllTradesDD | Returns all the trades for a given period |
AllTradesDetailsDD | Returns additional details on all trades for a given period. Details include turnover, security type, submarket and exchange id. User can decide to see only canceled trades or to see no canceled trades. |
AllTradesMDD | Lists all trades for a given period and a given submarket on either the XICE or FNIS exchange. A parameter called cancels allows the user to choose to show only canceled trades or not to show them at all. Turnover is calculated using the following formula: if bond then price*volume/100 else price*volume. |
CancelledTradesB | Returns all cancelled trades for a given broker |
DailyValueAvgSDD | Average daily value traded for a given symbol during a given period. |
DailyVolumeAvgSDD | Returns the traded volume / trading days for a given symbol and date range |
IssuedBondsCountDD | Returns the number of issued bonds between two dates |
IssuedBondsOutstandingAmountDD | Returns the total outstanding amount of new bonds issued between the given dates |
MarketSummaryDD | Returns the total volume traded, value traded and number of trades per trading day for a given period and submarket |
MarketTurnoverByIssuersDD | Returns the Market Turnover by issuers between two dates |
MarketTurnoverDD | returns an ordered turnover list between two dates for a specific market |
MarketTurnoverIDD | Returns the market turnover for a given issuer between two dates |
MarketTurnoverPDD | Returns the market turnover for a specific market participant for a given submarket and period |
NetChangeDown | Returns a list af all symbols with a net price change down for the current day |
NetChangeUp | Returns a list af all symbols with a net change up of today's price |
NordicTradesDD | Returns all trades between two different dates for a given symbol traded on the NASDAQ Nordic exchanges |
OrderbooksTradeList | Returns information about each trade for a given symbol in Saxess |
TotalMarketTradeCountDD | Returns the total trade count for a given market between the given dates. |
TotalMarketTurnoverDD | Returns the total market turnover for a given market between given dates |
TotalNonStandardTurnoverSDD | Returns the total turnover for non-standards (not auto-matched) trades for a given symbol between given dates |
TotalStandardMarketTradeCountDD | Returns the total trade count for standard (auto-matched) trades between two dates for a given market. |
TotalStandardMarketTurnoverDD | Returns the total market turnover for standards (auto-matched) trades for a given market between given dates |
TotalStandardTurnoverSDD | Returns the total turnover for standards (auto-matched) trades for a given symbol between given dates |
TradableTurnoverDD | Returns the turnover for a given symbol between given dates |
TradableTurnoverPDD | Returns the turnover for a given symbol, market participant and period |
TradeCountMD | Returns the total number of trades for a given day and a given submarket. |
TradesDD | Returns all trades for a given period for a given symbol |
TradesSD | Returns all trades for a given symbol for a given date |
TradesTodaySimple | Returns the trades executed today with basic information on each trade |
TradesVWAP_SD | Returns daily Volume Weighted Average Price for a given trade date and a given symbol |
ValueTradedMD | Returns the total value traded for a given day and a given submarket. Note that the function does not account for different currencies |
ValueTradedMDD | Returns the total value (sum) of all trades in a given period for a given submarket. Does not account for different currencies |
Upplýsingar um dagslokaverð í NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange. Ein ný færsla fyrir hvert skráð auðkenni fyrir hvern viðskiptadag. Alltaf skráð eða reiknað verð, hvort sem viðskipti áttu sér stað eða ekki.
Hægt er að fá upplýsingar um hvernig verð myndaðist og hversu gömul verðmyndunin er. Tímarunur leiðréttar með tilliti til arðs og jöfnunar.
Auk dagslokaverðs eru upplýsingar um hagstæðustu kaup- og sölutilboð, magn og verðmæti viðskipta, hæsta og lægsta verð, opnunarverð og fjölda viðskipta.
Föll og runur
Nafn | Lýsing |
CAsk | Returns the closing best ask value for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CAskD | Returns the closing best ask value for a given symbol or orderbook for a given day |
CBid | Returns the closing best bid value for a given symbol or orderbook for the latest business day |
CBidD | Returns the bid closing price for a given symbol or orderbook for a given day |
ClosingPrices | Returns closing prices for a given symbol and period |
ClosingPricesD | Returns the closing price record for all companies for a given day |
CNumberOfShares | Returns the number of shares for a given symbol and the current day |
CNumberOfSharesAVEDD | Returns the average number of shares for a given symbol and period |
CNumberOfSharesD | Returns the number of shares for a given symbol and day. If the day is not a business day - it returns the value from the next business day before. |
CNumberOfTrades | Returns total number of trades for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CNumberOfTradesD | Returns total number of trades for a given symbol for a given day |
CNumberOfTradesDD | Returns total number of trades for a given symbol for a given period |
COfficialLast | Returns the official closing price for a given symbol for the latest business day |
COfficialLastAVEDD | Returns the average official closing price for a given symbol for the given period |
COfficialLastCorrected | Returns the corrected official closing price for a given symbol for the latest business day |
COfficialLastCorrectedAVEDD | Returns the average corrected official closing price for a given symbol for the given period |
COfficialLastCorrectedD | Returns the corrected official closing price for a given symbol for a given day |
COfficialLastD | Returns the official closing price for a given symbol for a given day |
COfficialLastDate | Returns the date of the source of the official closing price for a given symbol for the latest business day |
COfficialLastDateD | Returns the date of the source of the official closing price for a given symbol for a given day |
CPaidFirst | Returns the opening price for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CPaidFirstD | Returns the opening price for a given symbol for a given day |
CPaidHigh | Returns the highest paid price for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CPaidHighD | Returns the highest paid price for a given symbol for a given day |
CPaidHighDD | Returns the highest closing price for a given symbol and a given period |
CPaidLast | Returns the closing price for a given symbol for the latest business day. This is NOT the official calculated and corrected price. |
CPaidLastD | Returns the closing price for a given symbol for a given day. This is NOT the official calculated and corrected price. |
CPaidLow | Returns the lowest price paid for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CPaidLowD | Returns the lowest price paid for a given symbol for a given day |
CPaidLowDD | Returns the lowest closing price for a given symbol and a given period |
CSpreadAVEDD | Returns average spread for a given period |
CTradedAmount | Returns the total amount of trading for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CTradedAmountAverageDD | Average traded amount for a given symbol and a given trading period |
CTradedAmountD | Returns the total amount of trading for a given symbol for a given day |
CTradedAmountDD | Returns the total amount of trading for a given symbol for a given period |
CTurnoverVelocity | Returns turnover velocity for a given period. (CVolumeTradedTotalDD/CNumberOfSharesAVEDD) |
CVolumeTraded | Returns the total volume of trading for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CVolumeTradedAverageDD | Average volume traded per day for a given instrument and a given date period |
CVolumeTradedD | Returns the total volume of trades for a given symbol for a given day |
CVolumeTradedDD | Returns the total volume of trades for a given symbol for a given period |
OfficialLastDD | Returns the closing prices for a given symbol over a given period |
TradedAmountD | Gives the total amount traded for given day |
USAdjustedClosingPriceD | Experimental: Returns the adjusted closing price for a given symbol on a given trading date |
USClosingPriceD | Experimental: Returns the closing price for a given symbol on a given date |
USHighPriceD | Experimental: Returns the high price for a given symbol on a given trading date |
USLowPriceD | Experimental: Returns the lowest price for a given symbol on a given trading date |
USOpenPriceD | Experimental: Returns the opening price for a given symbol on a given trading date |
USTickers | Experimental: Returns a list of US tickers that are available in the system |
USVolumeD | Experimental: Returns the trading volume for a given symbol on a given trading date |
Example sheets |