FX currency exchange
Market Order Entry
The FX Market Order entry window is a simplified version of the other Market Order entry window.
Order Types available are Limit and Market.
TIFs available are Day, IOC and GTC.
Client Order Entry
There are a few differences in FX Client Order entry window from the other Client Order entry window.
Base Price - Price per share excluding commission.
Client Price - Price per share including commission.
Default commission type is a new type: PIP (Price Interest Points), it is calculated ‘fee * tick size * quantity’.
Order Types available are Limit and Market.
TIFs available are Day, IOC and GTC.
When a client is selected, portfolio chosen by default is a portfolio with the currency that is being traded, if exists. In the example below it would be SEK. Currency account should be in SEK as well but the Settlement account in ISK as SEK is being bought for ISK.
Allocation Entry
The difference in Allocation entry window is similar to the difference in Client Order entry (Base Price, Client Price, Currency account, Settlement account).
Off Exchange Order Entry
The difference in Off Exchange Order entry window is similar to the difference in Client Order entry (Base Price, Client Price, Currency account, Settlement account).