Create Market Order

Create Market Order

The Market Order Entry Window allows you to create a DMA order and send them to a broker on the market.   

How to access
You can open the Market Order Entry Window by clicking 'Ctrl N' or by selecting the New Order action in the Trading menu.
It is also possible to select a symbol in the watch list and create a order from there.

New Order window

Fields in the Market Order Entry Window

B/SBuy or Sell order
QuantityThe Quantity being bought or sold
InstrumentThe symbol/company Autocomplete text box.  Type in the first letters and the system will suggest from available instruments.
PricePrice - used to specify a limit price for the order. For pegged orders, the price field can be used to specify a Cap Price.
Order TypeOrder TypeLimit, Market, LOO, LOC, MOP, MOC, IOOC, IOOP
Visible QuantityUsually called iceberg order.  The quantity that will be displayed on the market.
HiddenMakes the order hidden.  This only works for orders with large quantity.
TIFTime In Force

Day: Valid until the end of the trading day.
FOK: Fill or kill.
IOC: Immediate or cancel.
GTC: Good till cancel.
GTT: Good till time.

DateUsed when GTT is selected in the TIF
BrokerThe broker that the order will be sent to
HandlingHow the broker will handle the order.  DMA, Manual.

Fat finger warning 

The Fat finger warning is turned on by default. It can be turned off in Tools → Settings.

When this setting is turned on, the Kodiak client warns the user if they are entering an order that will be executed immediately.

The fat fingers warning will appear when:
  1. The bid price you have entered is greater than the best ask price on the market.
  2. The ask price you have entered is less than the best bid price on the market.

Fat finger warning when Buy price is higher then Ask

Fat finger warning when the bid price the user has entered is greater than the best ask price on the market.

Fat finger warning when Sell price is less then Bid

Fat finger warning when the ask price the user has entered is less than the best bid price on the market.