Excel Real Time Data (RTD)

Excel Real Time Data (RTD)

It is possible to link real time data into Excel using the KODIAK RTD.  To use the RTD feature, users must first install the KODIAK Excel RTD add-on.   This feature works with Excel 2007, Excel 2010 32 bit and Excel 2013. 

Step 1.  Click on 'Tools'  in the top right corner.  Select “Activate Excel RTD” from the menu.  Then you will be guided through the installation process.  

Step 2. Restart Excel if it is already running.

Step 3.  Select multiple cells from a watch list.  Right click and select “Copy RTD Link”.


  Step 4.  Open an Excel sheet, paste the data from KODIAK Pro  and you will see data updating live within Excel.  


When you shut down KODIAK Pro the Excel links will stop working.  Once you turn KODIAK Pro back on, Excel will automatically pick that up and your Excel sheet will be up to date again.

Currently RTD links are only supported within data from watch lists. 






Note that Excel RTD is not KODIAK Excel. KODIAK Excel provides additional functions and queries as well as more connectivity options. Follow this link or contact info@kodi.is for more information regarding KODIAK Excel.

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