Trade Report Management
Orders that are matched (generation of trades) outside of the exchange have to be reported to the exchange.
The reporting is done in the Trade Report Management in Kodiak OMS.
A typical workflow is when a trader sends a new trade registration to another broker. The other broker accepts the trade and the trade will be published on the exchange.
Image: Trade Report Entry Window
Send trade report to another broker
If a trader wants to send a trade report to another broker for matching then he has to type in the "Member" he wants to send to. Choose the Side, fill out the Quantity, Instrument and Price. Once he has filled out the necessary details the trade presses the Create button. Then the trade will appear in the Send and Received trade reports.
Image: Sent and Received Trade Reports
Create an internal trade
If the trade wants to create a internal trade then he has to check the "Internal" check box. Fill out the trade details and press create.