Kodi FX Integration
Market data subscriptions/systems
To be able to see the market data the user must have the following subscription in the user system: KODIXFxL2+
To be able to send orders the user must have a trader attached to “KODIX” Market Gateway in the KODIAK Admin user system.
To be able to see the FX controls in client the setting “EnableFxOrdersAndTradeReports” in appSettings on KodiakOrderEntryServer must be set to true and the user must have the subscription “Kodiak OMS Feature FX” in KODIAK Admin user system.
Kodi FX Instruments are received from LMD in the following static data endpoint: https://api.livemarketdata.com/v1/static_data/v1/oms/static_data/
Configuration for KODIAK Oms:
A market gateway named “KODIX” must be present in the KODIAK Admin system and with a connection with the connection type: “Trading” (The insert is included in the database update script for version 3.7).
A Broker name “KODIX” must also be in the KODIAK Admin System, the broker must be allowed to trade for the exchange named “KODIX Currency exchange”.