Price Quote v2
Price quote v2 extends the functionality of Price Quote to support 2 orders per side for each instrument and sharing settings inside a trading group.
Multiple Rows
Users can add a second row by selecting Add Row in the settings window. If the option is not checked, the functionality for the instrument will be identical to Price Quote and the row can be controlled by the columns labeled with “#1”.
If there Add Row option is checked there will be an additional row for the instrument with the settings applied form the settings window. The #1 label is intended for the larger order and will appear on the bottom of the dropdown list for the instrument to reflect their positions in the watch list once the orders are sent. The prices will be based on the calculation type chosen and the target spread for each row. Changing the prices in the #1 or #2 fields will calculate based on the field where the
price is entered and the calculation type in settings. Changing any prices in the dropdown will only affect the field chosen and won’t calculate any other price fields.
It is not possible to remove a #2 row when that row has an active order.
Grid Layout and Fetching from Server
The “Fetch all Settings” button fetches all saved settings for your trading group from the server. You can remove settings individually by right clicking on them and selecting “Remove from Grid” or “Invalidate Setting”. Removing a settings from grid will only remove it from the selected control whereas invalidating a setting will delete the setting for everyone in the trading group. Each
instrument can only have one valid setting at a time per trading group.
Calculation Types
Calculation types apply to how prices are calculated between rows - #1 and #2 buy/sell prices. In all cases, spread for each row will use the target spread from the settings.
Primary flat: The price for the side entered in will be flat between #1 and #2
Secondary flat: The opposite side to the side entered will be flat between #1 and #2
Buy flat: The buy side will always be flat between #1 and #2
Sell flat: The sell side will always be flat between #1 and #2
Mid spread: Price of the other row will be calculated based on the midpoint of the spread of the row entered
Use Total Value
When use total value is checked, amounts will be calculated from the prices to fill the value specified in the settings. The value has to be specified for both sides and each row if there are more than one rows. If an order has been sent and partially filled, changing the price for that side will result in the amount being calculated by the remaining value for the order.
Calculates the price for the opposite side entered based on the target spread for the row. If Lock Spread is checked in the settings prices will be automatically calculated for the opposite side once entered.
Get Last
Fetches the price for the last entered Price Quote V2 order for the instrument. Amount is filled with default buy/sell amount if specified or calculated based on the price if Use Total Value is checked.