Shortcut Keys
Shortcut Keys
Main Window Shortcut Keys
F11 | This will Toggle Full screen view of the application |
Watch List Shortcut Keys
+ | Adds another level of depth the the orderbook |
- | Removes a level of depth |
Ctrl + | Shows all levels of the current orderbook |
Ctrl - | Hides all levels |
Enter: | Will perform the same action as double clicking a cell. See Double click |
Double clicking |
Ctrl Arrow Up | This will move the selected row Up |
Ctrl Arrow Down | This will move the selected row Down |
Delete | This will remove the selected instrument from the watch list |
Market Depth Shortcut Keys
Enter/Return | Fill orders according to the side and level selected |
E | Enter an order according to the side and level selected |
Double clicking | Fill orders according to the side and level selected |
Price Quote Window Shortcut Keys
Enter | This will send all changes to market. If “Send To Market on Enter” is chosen in Price Quote Settings. |
Ctrl + | Sends changes in selected row to the market |
Ctrl Enter | This will send all changes to market Even if Send To Market on Enter is not chosen in Settings. |
Escape | This will cancel / undo all changes |
+ | This will increase the selected prices by the designated tick sizes |
- | This will decrease the selected prices by the designated tick sizes |
Ctrl Arrow Up | This will move the selected row Up |
Ctrl Arrow Down | This will move the selected row Down |
Ctrl Page Up | This will increase the selected quantities by the designated tick sizes |
Ctrl Page down | This will decrease the selected quantities by the designated tick sizes |
Page Up | This will select the top most cell |
Page Down | This will select the bottom most cell |
F2 | This will set focus to the current cell |
K | Will insert three 0's behind the chosen Quantity. So pressing 5 and then K will produce 5,000 and K again will be 5,000,000 |
L | Retrieves the Last values for a selected row |
H | Enters 100.000.000 in a selected amount cell |
M | Will insert six 0's behind the chosen Quantity. So pressing 5 and then M will produce 5,000,000 |
Delete | Will cancel selected orders. |
Client Orders View Shortcut Keys
Enter | This will open the selected client order. |
Double click | This will open the selected client order. |
F5 | Modify the order |
F6 | Cancel the client order |
F8 | Allocate |
F9 | Send the order to market |
Market Orders View Shortcut Keys
Enter | This will open details window for the selected order. |
Double click | This will open details window for the selected order |
F5 | Modify the order |
F6 | Cancel the market order |
F8 | Allocate |
Order Entry Window and Client Order Entry Windows Shortcut Keys
Enter or Return | This will send the order to market. |
Escape | This will close the window discarding any changes |
K | Will insert three 0's behind the chosen Quantity or Quantity Visible. So pressing 5 and then K will produce 5,000 and K again will be 5,000,000 |
M | Will insert six 0's behind the chosen Quantity or Quantity Visible. So pressing 5 and then M will produce 5,000,000 |
Up | This will increment the price by the corresponding price tick when price is selected |
Down | This will decrement the price by the corresponding price tick when price is selected |
Client Order Details Window Shortcut Keys
Escape | This will close the window. |
Trade Report Entry Window Shortcut Keys
Escape | This will close the window. |
K | Will insert three 0's behind the chosen Quantity. So pressing 5 and then K will produce 5,000 and K again will be 5,000,000 |
M | Will insert six 0's behind the chosen Quantity. So pressing 5 and then M will produce 5,000,000 |