Release notes - KODIAK Oms 1.9.1

Release notes - KODIAK Oms 1.9.1

Released 5. April 2013
KODIAK Oms 1.9.1 focuses on bug fixes and cosmetic issues.  


 Bug Fixes


  • Client now handles disconnects from the ActiveMQ server gracefully and reconnects when internet connection is reestablished.
  • Changed XMP framer to handle queued messages extension data.
  • Fix a settlement date bug in the trade reports. 
  • Several cosmetic fixes. 
  • Added keyboard shortcuts for using ESC button for closing windows and alerts. 
  • Fixed an issue with duplicate trade reports appearing after a disconnect.
  • Made it so that if user double-clicks a cell with a value 0, the Create Client Order tool opens. 
  • Trade Reports now display total fee data up to 6 decimals. 
  • Fixed an error where quantity wasn't displayed in summary. 
  • Changed the title of instrument in summary from security to instrument. 
  • Fixed an allocation bug where LIBRA would receive a wrong handling fee from the domain allocation.
  • Fixed a bug where the call to the bondscalcAPI was using the settlement date as the trade date when calling bonds service.
  • Made it so that expiry date for a forward allocation is now always a month from creation date. 

Last updated 5. May 2013