KODIAK Oms Server - Release notes
New Feature
Support for new Price Quote control adds another row of orders that can be managed in the control
Added price quote settings to database so that they can be synced between two users
Added new parameters to Order and Order Instruction entry to be able to specify from which system the order originated
Price Quote v1, Price Quote v2 & Market Maker use tag field to identify own orders
Improve performance of GetLatestOldPriceQuoteOrders in OrderRepsitory
Favorite customer should be shared with trading group and published on ActiveMQ
Remove Kodiak Derivatives group role from AdminX is not used
Added support for current schema in accessrulelist repository
Added a version for Kodi.Kodiak.DataAccess
Added ability to control access by operation.
Added support for special operation access. Sorted security lists,
Added SharedAssemblyProperties to Kodi.Kodiak.Common.Utils
Made group role columns nullable
Added postprocessor to order event handlers where needed.
Added favorite service config to servicemodel.config
Added LastUpdated to OrderInstruction when publishing to ActiveMQ
Fixed the issue with favorite customer save to send portfolios when publishing to client
Add done for day order status in EMS model and a converter
Added config for log4net for bloomberg drop copy
Fixed the issue with favorite customer save to send portfolios when publishing to client
Updated instrument creation in Bloomberg processor
Updated Business day calculator with new years eve changes
Set calculation trade date from request and trade Show warning when not valid trade date.
Add counterparty broker code to client ref in broker leg orders in Bloomberg drop copy
Added Instrument lookup to ignore whitespace in Bloomberg drop copy
Fixed issue when finding instrument in Bloomberg drop copy if the symbol contains additional whitespace
Fix issue with duplicate orders and trades in Bloomberg processing when creating broker legs as market order
Only publish order instruction changes during allocation if it has changed.
Bloomberg drop copy create broker leg as market order - fixed issue where broker leg was not updated
Implemented oracle version of AccessRuleListRepository in Kodi.Kodiak.DataAccess
Changes to configuration of kodi.kodiak.dataaccess so that it is not in exe.config
Fixed oracle id for operation. was id_operation is now id_operations
Fixed oracle version of accessrulelistrepository boolean permission setting because of boolean number conflict.
Fixed saving of new services when server starts.
Updated newtonsoft to version 13 in windows services servers.
Updated newtonsoft to version 13 in windows services servers.
Added ability to save mifid values for quote orders.
Enable rejecting client order when order is rejected.
AdminX added Order Record Keeping information page to search for customers with shortcode
Add field to enable/disable request for quote in client. Default true for all configurations
Request for quote is now supported in the KODIAK Oms system
Support for the new 5D TRS II interface
OMS-6341 New Token issuer service for authentication for new Rest services
OMS-6385 National ID in Kodiak database ERROR only appears on a buy order not sell side but still goes through.
OMS-6304 Create a component for services that can valdiate the new JWT token and use access rules to check if the user is allowed to call the endpoint/service
OMS-6344 Support for Request for quote
New Feature
OMS-6061 Added configuration to send email when trade or trade report executed
OMS-6161 Admin X you can cancel client order and mark client order as complete
OMS-6162 Admin X you can cancel a market order
OMS-6173 When allocating trades with an agent the agent should receive the allocation email
OMS-6181 Check service configs for max concurrent connections
OMS-6245 Add From and To Date in portfolios id request and response in Retail Order Instruction Service
OMS-6267 Favorite customers
OMS-6020 Add order originator and trading at closing price to market orders and client orders
OMS-6176 Auto fill last used allocation properties in allocations
OMS-6217 Send user who sends allocation as well as the Trader who sent the order to the exchange to the backoffice system
OMS-6224 Change how Libra/5D services are called through the RetailService
OMS-6248 Add To and From Date in PortfolioPosition and PortfolioOverview requests in Retail OrderInstruction Service
OMS-6030 FIX Order Routing -Attach market order to client order - sends fills on the trades attached
OMS-6033 FIX Order Routing - Unattach market order from client order - sends trade cancels
OMS-6023 New Strategy Orders Service
OMS-6079 Change column data types for Oracle database from Date to TimeStamp
OMS-6136 Update all service configuration config to allow 2000 max concurrent connections
OMS-6107 Allocate many trades/orders T+1 vs. T+2
Bug Fixes
OMS-5904 Changes happen without hitting the save key in AdminX
OMS-6249 Instrument updater in Customer Integration does not read number of settlement days and sets it to zero
OMS-6246 Fixed issue when client gets error when entering child order "This client order has an outstanding request."
OMS-6212 Fixed issue when customer integration creates a new customer in the Kodiak database if the name changes
OMS-6256 Convert contract projects to .net standard
OMS-6261 Move Kodi.Nms to .net standard and Nuget package.
OMS-6024 FIX Order Routing EMSX/NyFIX version 2
OMS-6138 Use the new access rule service table to authorize user operations
New Features
OMS-6201 New Retail Order Instruction Service REST API
OMS-5788 New allocation interface to Libra, should have information on all orders, trades and trade allocations
Bug fixes
OMS-6168 Trade Report Server crashes on start up and network fixes
OMS-6177 Timestamp fixed issues when allocating to backoffice system
OMS-6116 External users cannot send orders if Account is null
OMS-6196 AdminX - updating email on customers not working
Customer Integration
OMS-6212 Customer integration creates a new customer in the Kodiak database if the name changes
OMS-6214 Customer intergration requests, customer pump should be able to be triggered through wcf service
OMS-6211 Customer integration removal of unneccessary logging
FX Integration
PIP (Price Interest Points) commission type added
Market order, client order, allocation and off exchange entry, modify and cancel functionality
Map secondary id to ExchangeOrderID if MarketfeedID is not available.
Updated order id generation for EMS to 14 letters and skip hypens
Config templates to show https support
Fixed bug where customer is always null when creating an xml customer
Uncommented EditGroup function
Added ability to assign no account to external user. Removed filter for users in drop down in create and edit of external users.
Fixing external order entry service handling of transactions so that they are only readonly and do not update.
Added trade date check to allocation processing
Added one more trade date check
Added check for timeinforceisexpired which checks if the order is expired and returns true. this is to fix issue where expired orders do not complete the order instruction.
Changed transaction propogation to requires new in all methods that update instructions in OrderInstructionEntryUtil.
Fixed issue where wrong controller url was being generated when filling portfolio dropdown in external users.
Fixed issue with ShouldBeExpired marking orders with workflow status new or assigend as expired.
Fixed issue with Sql time overflow when saving instrument from Bloomberg
Minor Fixes in Bloomberg drop copy
Fixed handling with Instrument repo throw exception when instrument is not found
Updated Fx script to allow manual orders
Fixed OrderValidationAdapter to support introducing user.
Added logic to get external user by traderid and customer id. not just trader id.
removed empty lines
Do not change data access code. instead get all external users and filter by them.
Throw exception if external user is not found.
Added FIX DMA Risk check validator
Created OrderValidationAdapter
Fixed console app issue
Added debugging to OrderValidationAdapter
Updated configuration