Trade Ticker
The Trade Ticker control displays all market data trades for a given list of Orderbooks.
The Trade Ticker Control will show the following columns:
Symbol: The symbol for the trade
Price: The price for the trade.
Volume: The volume traded.
Yield: The yield for the trade. This will only be shown for Bonds.
Buyer and Seller: These columns will show you information about the buyer and sellers of the trade if available. If the trade is in your company it will display the trader username. If it is information that
Time: Transaction time for the trade.
Trade Id: This it of the trade.
Type: The trade Type.
<>: An arrow which displays information about the aggressive party in the transaction. An arrow pointing to the seller means that the buyer was the aggressive party and vice versa.
Aggr. This corresponds to the pointing arrow and will display the aggressive party.
Trade Ticker Settings
You can open the Trade Ticker Settings window by clicking on the Settings Icon
This window allows you to specifiy what Orderbooks or Submarkets appear in the Trade Ticker.
Specific Instrument: You can add single instruments to the list with the Instrument input box.
Add Submarket: Adding a Submarket will add all orderbooks for that given submarket at the current time. Any changes to the submarket will not be reflected.
Single Submarket. When you choose single submarket orderbooks will be added automatically when available.
In the trade ticker settings the user can play a sound when a trade is executed on the market.