Release Notes

Release Notes

2.3 Januar 11, 2016

  • Libra Integration: Traders can select if trades should go straight through back office or not.
  • Libra Integration: Oms server now watches if any Libra allocations are cancelled and cancels the Oms allocation and sets the Client Order workflow status to Allocation Ready.
  • User is notified that his order will be cancelled if he changes an hidden order.   [QA Tested: 7.01.2016].

2.2 Oktober 29, 2015

  • Auto allocate client orders to back office [QA Tested: 28.09.2015].
  • Enhanced error notification for allocation errors [QA Tested: 28.09.2015].
  • Manual allocation for funds [QA Tested: 28.09.2015].
  • Added broker fee to client orders/market orders/allocations [QA Tested: 28.09.2015].
  • Enhanced "fat fingers check" in client [QA Tested: 28.09.2015].
  • Enhanced status end points for monitoring [QA Tested: 28.09.2015].
Bug fixes

Fixed: OMS-2449 Better error messages when the service clock and the exchange clock are not synchronized

2.1 September 9, 2015

  • Off Exchange Trade. Users can create orders, trades and allocations for an off-exchange trade - all in one step. [QA Tested: 08.09.2015].   [QA: Needs integration testing at customers location]
  • Client order to trade report. User can right-click a client order and select to create trade report. New Trade report window opens with preset values.  [QA Tested: 08.09.2015]  [QA: Needs integration testing at customers location]
  • Select trading desk for client orders. User groups without direct market access can select to which trading desk they send their orders. [QA Tested: 08.09.2015]
  • Cancel allocation.  When a user cancels an allocation, KODIAK Oms calls a back-office web-service that cancels the allocation in that back-office system.  [QA Tested: 08.09.2015]  [QA: Needs integration testing at customers location]

2.0.68 (Aug 28, 2015 12:58:29 PM)

Fixed: Hidden orders do not reappear on reconnect.  [QA Tested: 28.08.2015]

2.0.66 (Aug 18, 2015 1:28:39 PM)

Fixed: Trade Reports not being added to correct order when updated. This was causing trouble with non standard settlement date.   [QA Tested: 18.08.2015]
Fixed: Allocation manual price changes in multiple allocations when first allocation event comes in.   [QA Tested: 18.08.2015]

2.0.65 (Aug 12, 2015 2:58:28 PM)

Improved: Show error message when trying to allocate different sides or orderbooks  [QA Tested: 12.08.2015]

2.0.64 (Aug 12, 2015 2:42:45 PM)

Fixed: Added null check for when orderbook sumary contains incompatable stopcodes and note codes  [QA Tested: 12.08.2015]

2.0.63 (Aug 12, 2015 2:13:16 PM)   [QA Tested: 12.08.2015]

Fixed: Correctly select cells for RTD in AggregateTrades control.    
Fixed: Manual trades where being counted twice in aggregate trades because trade date was 00:00:00
Fixed: Correctly manage own list in Aggregate Trades control
Fixed: Do not show rtd menu item when a trade is chosen.

2.0.62 (Jul 7, 2015 10:20:14 AM)

Fixed: BypassBackOffice and IsManualSettlement were not being set on allocation requests  [QA Tested: 06.07.2015]

2.0.61 (Jul 3, 2015 10:06:50 AM)

Fixed: Paid in cash not checked in allocations window if it is set as default. [QA Tested: 03.07.2015]

2.0.60 (Jul 1, 2015 3:53:30 PM)

Fixed: Client does not own an account for this portfolio does not dissapear when Paid in cash is checked. [QA Tested: 01.07.2015]

2.0.59 (Jun 30, 2015 3:11:31 PM)

Fixed: Modify client order causes window exception because calling window on background thread.  [QA Tested: 30.06.2015]

2.0.58 (Jun 29, 2015 11:06:44 AM)

Fixed: AggregateTrades radiobutton groupname caused multiple controls to share a single checked item.  [QA Tested: 29.06.2015]

2.0.56 (Jun 18, 2015 11:46:15 AM)

Fixed: Error when showing invoice when no InvoiceUrl is specified in server.config     [QA Tested: 18.06.2015]
Improved: Right clicking Trades and Market Orders grids now correctly selects rows before showing context menu   [QA Tested: 18.07.2015]

2.0.55 (Jun 16, 2015 3:19:42 PM)

Fixed: Call RiskCheck with correct parameters

2.0.54 (Jun 15, 2015 2:52:21 PM)

Internal: Removed commented code
Fixed: Changed url for orderbookproperties service in default config because it does not work with urlPrefix
Fixed: Changed url for orderbookproperties service in default config because it does not work with urlPrefix
Fixed: Hidden Private (non-pegged) orders do not update position correctly when price changtes.
Internal: Cleaned up code in MarketData/SideOrders
Fixed: Only update hidden pegged orders and not only hidden.
Fixed: Only update hidden pegged orders and not only hidden.
Internal: Removed commented code from MarketData/Order
Internal: Moved code in MarketData/SideOrders
Internal: Reorganized MarketData/SideOrders code.

2.0.53 (Jun 9, 2015 10:06:17 AM)

Fixed: Error setting Account when no accounts for portfolio.   [QA Tested: 09.06.2015]

2.0.52 (Jun 8, 2015 2:39:17 PM)

Improved: Added setup project which has config file as loose file

2.0.51 (Jun 8, 2015 2:33:23 PM)

Improved: Added setup project which has config file as loose file

2.0.50 (Jun 8, 2015 2:25:54 PM)

Improved: Added setup project which has config file as loose file

2.0.49 (Jun 8, 2015 2:20:47 PM)

Improved: Do not load all accounts when filtering on currency in case where no account matches
Improved: Added setup project which has config file as loose file
Improved: Added setup project which has config file as loose file
Improved: Added setup project which has config file as loose file

2.0.48 (Jun 5, 2015 5:10:57 PM)

Internal: Reverted back to kodi settings

2.0.47 (Jun 5, 2015 5:02:13 PM)

Internal: ISB Config Build

2.0.46 (Jun 5, 2015 1:59:40 PM)

Improved: Added AssetClass column to autocomplete for instrument. Removed exchange

2.0.45 (Jun 5, 2015 11:01:56 AM)

Internal: Updated nuget refs to contracts from stable release
Improved: Updated references to order book properties
Internal: Updated nuget to be release version where possible.
Internal: Updated release versions of nuget packages

2.0.44 (Jun 3, 2015 3:01:52 PM)

Fixed: Set values when modifying Order Instructions

2.0.43 (Jun 3, 2015 10:29:55 AM)

Improved: Search by name filter for Funds

2.0.42 (Jun 2, 2015 1:40:44 PM)

Internal: Added comment to log4net.config
Fixed: Call notifypropertychanged on order instruction entry reply error
Improved: Search by name in autocomplete is slow. Removed

2.0.40 (May 26, 2015 2:28:32 PM)

Iixed: Issue with order instructions not popping upp in grid because of FindOrderInstruction always returning value
Internal: Removed unused event: OnWarning 

Fixed: Hidden pegged orders now behave correctly
Fixed: Hidden pegged orders now behave correctly
Fixed: Order Instruction not always being found when allocating in trade search
Improved: Set Trade date in allocation only from unallocated trades and use the latest trade date not the oldest. Also shows a warning
Improved: Set Trade date in allocation only from unallocated trades and use the latest trade date not the oldest. Also shows a warning
Internal: Added Initialize to marketdata trade manager
Internal: Added fallback values to xaml
Interna: Added try catch in SoundControl
Internal: Added nullcheck before dispose in OrderIentryWindow
Internal: Call async in orderattachviewmodel

2.0.37 (May 19, 2015 11:38:21 AM)

Fixed: Error message in Allocate to many Allocations Entry Grid now shown in tooltip.

2.0.35 (May 15, 2015 3:11:51 PM)

Internal: Updated nuget references to datacontracts
Internal: Updated nuget references to data contracts
Improved: Started CreateOrderInstructionRequest2

2.0.34 (May 13, 2015 10:48:04 AM)

Fixed: Always set Salesperson. This was causing a bug of replacing salesperson.
Fixed: Always set Salesperson. This was causing a bug of replacing salesperson.
Improved: Instrument Search now uses contains instead of starts with for name
Improved: Instrument Search now uses contains instead of starts with for name
Fixed: Search by orderbook name now works 
Fixed: RejectReasonDetails now mapped to ErrorMessageDetails

2.0.29 (May 11, 2015 4:04:43 PM)

Fixed: Now search instruments by name works.
Fixed: Allocate from Search windows now works as expected.
Fixed: Documenation link now points to Kodiak OMS 2.0 docs 
Fixed: Setting salesman to current in all cases if it is null 
Internal: Update nuget refs to contracts 
Improved: Added TransactionTime to CreateTradeRequest and UpdateTradeRequest 
Fixed: Cancel order and create trade were disabled due to HasDirectMarketAccess not logic

2.0.26 (May 4, 2015 9:11:41 AM)

Improved: Added ability to filter Executed, Remainin, Allocated and Unallocated in Market Orders grid

2.0.25 (Apr 29, 2015 4:31:25 PM)

Improved: Aggregate Trades move up and down with ctrl up and down
Improved: Choose wheter to show order positions in price quotes.
Improved: Added number short cuts K and M for Display Range
New: Choose trade ticker instruments by submarkets.
New: Added more obvious color changes for when test is enabled.
Improved: Choose between custom price ticks and tick size tables.
Fixed: Price quote orders stuck in IsSending 
Improved: Price quote price increments and decrement according to tick size table. 
Internal: Refactoring OrderEntryViewModel

2.0.22 (Apr 27, 2015 2:38:48 PM)

Fixed: Order instruction id not being sent on fund order calculate
Fixed: Repeat of error message in Allocations
Fixed: Correct account is not always chosen if portfolio before instrument
Internal: Reenabled trade and settlement date editing in allocation

2.0.12 (Apr 22, 2015 3:17:49 PM)

removed ref counter
Improved: Require settlement date in trade reports
Internal: Cleaned up IBasicDataService. Moved to IBusinessDays
Fixed: Price input was not updated when trades changed in allocation window
Fixed: Requirements message was not being shown in allocation window
Internal: Added Calculate function in IBondService
Internal: Change Refresh to BeginRefresh in BondInformation. Added Refresh which is synchronous
Internal: Refactoring OrderInstructionEntryViewModel calculate

2.0.11 (Apr 20, 2015 11:49:58 AM)

Ref counter testing
auction manager to inotifypropertychanged
removed commented code
added new up and down images
ref count fixes
ref count fixes
sending synchronization
updated nuget references
changed quantity to not nullable in order instruction constructor
fixing oversell issues
do not show shares on hand text if not set
fine tuning order entry
added cost information check
commented out fund order
formatting controls
Allocatable fine tuning
Updated version to 2.0.43
Updated nuget references
updated sending of order instruction requests cancel and updates
set symbol in createorderinstruciton request
fixed issue with fund order
fixed issue with fund order
formatting error codes
no longer display allocation rejected as popup
fixed issue where portfolio is being reset on instrument change
bond calculation fine tuning
updated nuget references
updated version to 2.0.44
Fixed issue with price quote sending
Fixed price quote position
Fixed issue with calculation of fees in allocation when trade quantity changes
changed version
formatting of allocation columns in allocation entry window
fixing settlement date stuff.

2.0.10 (Apr 16, 2015 12:46:43 PM)

fix text boxes select all on mouse enter
lookup portfolio on tab instead of enter
removed commented code
Updated version to 2.0.35
OMS-2264 #comment removed "Invalid" text from mifid when no customer or instrument
Added server url to general settings page
Removed commented code. Removed mifid control from fund order entry window. Added fundorderentryviewmodel instruction construtor
remote cost calculation fixes
Fixed warnings on enter in allocation and fund order.
fixed issue with customer inforamtion in order instruction details
Changed versions
Fixed issue with settlement date not being set.
Updated version to 2.0.37
fixed commission type text
Fixed issue with attach to client order not propagating to trades.
updated version 2.0.38
changed look of custom message box
mifid changes
added Active Sell (other orders)
updated version to 2.0.39
updated nuget references
Fixing issue with modify fund order
updated nuget references
changes to portfolio position shares on hand
changes to portfolio position shares on hand
Allocation loading
changed version to 2.0.40
Fixed issue with allocating single.
fixed issue in initializinstrument
isLoading = true was in wrong place
fine tuning mifid
changed version to 2.0.41
Fixing bond calculations
fixing tooltip for portfolio position
Updated version
Bond display in order instruction
Fine tuned order instruction

2.0.9 (Mar 16, 2015 2:23:24 PM)

removed unused allocationrequestcontextmenu
Trade Report orderinstruction changes
updated nuget references
set orderinstruction id in tradereportviewmodel
Loading of client, fund and allocations.
updated version.
fixed issue with order reference not being set on fund order create
Fat fingers warning fix
click once security settings

2.0.9 (Mar 16, 2015 2:09:46 PM)

Changed discountcategory to commissioncategory
set tradedate and settlementdate in orderinstruction entry
Set DiscountCategory only if necessary
removed unused fields in orderbookposition manager
udpated nuget refs and changed discountcategory to commissioncategory
changed cust ssn to client ssn
Added orderinstruction id to portfolio position
changed button height from to 21 to minheight 21
Fixed issue with allocation sending notification
Updated nuget refs and added orderinstructionid to portfolio position call
Fixed showing of retrieving info in account and portfolio
Set account when one is not in the chosen portfolio
Changed version
Added export to excel from allocations grid
Fixed issue with STA thread in order instruction entry viewmodel
fixed issue where sending button gets stuck
fixed issue with show all when nothing chosen
updated version to 2.0.26
fixed issue where the system would throw an exception on load if customer id in forward contracts was 0.
changed name of fundorderviewmodel to fundorderentryviewmodel
Fixed cost information crazyness on manual commisson
changed version
Commission stuff
a little code cleanup
Changed version
Fixed order instruction search
fixed commission presentation in funds
clear messages when portfolio or account is chosen
user search in order instruction search
changed version
updated nuget refs
Hide market order controls for those who do not have access
clear text box when insturment is null
calculate on manual commission change
fixed order instruction on clear
added commission category autocomplete box
added commission category autocomplete box
added groups to order instruction input
updated nuget refs
added commission category services to kodiakservice
added instrument back to order instruction search view model
hid invoice in allocations
hid invoice in allocations
Commission category changes
changed versions
Changes to load allocation better
commission category changes
fixed so that salesperson search is empty if invalid salesperson
Removed MktValue when not applicable
updated nuget refs
set salespersonid in fund order
loading changes for orderinstructionentry
removed mifid stuff from customer in client
updated version
moved orderinstructioncommand to own file
added tooltip to marketqty and changed created by to introduced by in order instructions grid
updated nuget refs
updated nuget refs
Send to market changes
hid target desk
updated nuget references
Setting new update parameters in fund and order instruction
updated version number
fixed and issue in orderinstruction entry view model when loading by orderbook side etc. naming issue ordrbook vs orderbook.
do not show portfolio market value
Fixed issue with allocation sending freezing
updated version 2.0.33
updated nuget refs
updated nuget references
fixed issue with error window when ex is null
always show continuous trading for internal funds
fixed formatting of account when no retrieving balance
have text red when user must act on mifid
fixed autocomplete box when no filter to show internal funds

2.0.8 (Sep 25, 2014 9:46:46 AM)

Fixing build stuff
Fixed build release stuff
Removed all warnings
added nuget.exe 
Removed unused bonds calculation controls 

changed secondary window to use correct bonds calculator
Removed bondcalculatorcontrol
Removed Quote Request controls and view models
Multiselect trades and allocation changes
Updated nuget references to common
Only raise onReconnect if it is a dropcopy connection.
Removed system.diagnostics in marketdatamessagehandler. dealt with in log4net
Added some settings classes
UPdate to proj and packages because of nuget updates
Added EmptyListToVisibilityConverter
nuget csproj auto changes
nuget csproj auto changes
removed commented class
nuget autochanges to packages.config
nuget autochanges to packages.config
Added properties to allocation objects
added properties to order objects
Added properties to trade objects
Added properties to TradeAllocation
nuget autochanges
changed method call footprint to trademanager add
Big Commit: Allocation changes to client
Added ability to set the default good til time in settings
Added price discrepency notification in allocation window
Reorganized Excel classes into own files
Removed comment
Removed deprecated files
added logging to asyncworker
removed comments
removed unused code in systemmessages
removed unused kodiaksettings class
added client and sytsem settings functions to ikodiakservice
added IKodiakEventSource interface
removed getfundprices from isubscriptionservice
removed split fro iorderinstructionservice
unified manualtrade stuff
updated nuget refs
fixed diagnostics in clientmessagehandler
removed splitorderwindow
reorganized excel code
removed commented class
removed old deprecated classes
Removed old detailedorderbookgrid control
Changed IsInternalFund from calculated to value based
removed diagnostics and replaced with log4net
removed unused control
removed unused mifid controls
removed unused order details controls
removed order split control
removed order split control
Moved aggregatetrades control from trades to marketmaker
Added isclosing warning to secondary window.
refactored restart timer
Added new session class instead of globaldata
moved aggregate trade controls to marketmaker
moved tradeentrywindow
removed split stuff
nuget packages files changes
removed split from orderinstructionservice
splashscreen fix
order details window changes
close window fixes
formatting createtradewindow
removed split trade stuff
notifypropertychanged changes
nuget refs changes
nuget refs changes
GlobalData to Session changes
GlobalData to Session changes
removed commented xaml
nuget refs
nuget refs
added client and system settings functions
manual trade changes to orderservice
removed discount policy from bindingdata
string empty check in ticksizemonitor
removed unused classes
nuget refs changes
removed unused events
removed split stuff
changed namespace of class
nuget refs
removed commented xaml
settings changes
added xmlns definition for sessions
removed commented code
added modify and cancel to trade commands
refactoring exchange and session
changed marketdepthmanager to be more like sideorders. gave it events
globaldata to session
markettime changes
removed split stuff
removed logging to file for debug
formatting xaml
added communication to tradeallocation
added properties to sales view settings
moved aggregate trades to marketmaker
moved tradeentrywindow
added cancel trade to trades context menu
manual trades changes
nuget refs
order instruction context menu allocation changes
Changed from Invoke to BeginInvoke
Added tracing to MainWindow loading
Added Cancel Trade Window
moved createtradeviewmodel
Nuget changes
Fixing Manual Trade stuff
Updated nuget refs
Shortend mifidcontrol
shortened tradeallocationwindow
Check for whether trade is cancelled in trade allocation
Added mifid properties to allocation
Added invoice command dummy
Added textblock styles and added mifid information
changed consturction to take trade instead of uitrade
added viewtrade and allocation from aggregate trades window
added mifid info to createallocationrequest
Added ismanual info to trade details and grid
Mifid and Forward allocation fixes.

2.0.6 (Jul 21, 2014 12:21:45 PM)

Updated assembly version
#13 (May 12, 2014 1:00:06 PM)

Updated version number
updated setup version
#12 (May 12, 2014 12:36:44 PM)

Setup changes
#5 (Jun 22, 2012 11:13:50 AM)

Fixing build errors — nisbus / detail
Fixing the output for services builds — nisbus / detail