Release Notes - Kodiak Oms Server 2.1
New Functionality
Off Exchange Trades
Send to Trading Desk
Create Trade Report from Client Order
Added OrderClass property to Orders
Added AllocationClass property to Allocations
Bug Fixes to current functionality
Trade Allocation Contract builder was setting price to allocation price and not the price of the trade
Allocation search was not searching by friend groups correctly
Do not show commission discription when fixed amount is chosen in invoices.
Libra Integration
Breytti libra service á þann hátt að reikningsnúmer fer niður í vog fyrir other custodian og ekki paid in cash
Libra spsec_insert_ext_order parameter Order_Time parameter which specifies trade time is now populated with real trade time if there is a single trade.
Order Processing
Removed quantity = 0 check in order constructor
Trades Contracts
Trading desk info not being set on trades
Improvements to current functionality
Fix Processing
Added LastMkt to Fix42.xml
Added new Trade Report tags to fix42.xml
Set @account_owner to Account_SSN in accounts table if available.
Changed some logging to Trace from Debug
Logging levels to decrease noise in logs
Print better message when processing execution report for non existent order
Client Orders
OrderInstruction OrderStatus is now None when no orders are present #resolve
Order Processing
Ensure that Execution Report Order processing happens in correct order.
New logic to decide who gets what messages