Release Notes - 2.3

Release Notes - 2.3

What's New in Version 2.3

  • Off Exchange Trade.  Users can create orders, trades and allocations for an off-exchange trade - all in one step.
    • Include fee in price
  • Create Trade Report from Client Order.  User can right-click a client order and select to create trade report. New Trade report window opens with pre filled values.
  • Cancel Allocation: When a user cancels an allocation, KODIAK Oms calls a back-office web-service that cancels the allocation in that back-office system.
  • Send Client Order to a trading desk:  User groups without direct market access can select to which trading desk they send their orders.
  • "Fat fingers" web service

New Features

Off Exchange Trades

Send to Trading Desk

Cancel Allocation

Create Trade Report from Client Order


Include Commission in Price checkbox

Order Class

Added Order Class to Market Orders and Trades Grids

Allocation Class

Added Allocation Class to Allocations

Added Price Differs column to Allocations grid

Improvements to Current Features

Client Orders
Added Allocated columns to Orders and Trades sub grids in Client Orders grid

Market Orders
Added ability to view client order details from market orders grid if available
Added Trading Desk column to Market Orders grid
Do not allow attach to client order if the market order has been allocated

Added Trading Desk column to Trades grid

Trade Ticker
Do not show decimal points in Value column

Aggregate Orderbook
Improved grid performance with RecordContainerGenerationMode and CellContainerGenerationMode


Bug Fixes

Do not show unnecessary warning message about settings not being imported when installed on fresh machine

Order Instructions 

Attach order to client order no longer shows completed orders. #OMS-2437

Trade Report 
Total payment is always calculated in Trade Reports #OMS-2450 
Trade Reports not being added to correct order when updated. This was causing trouble with non standard settlement date.

Remove all client releated info when clearing customer in input box. 
Allocation manual price changes in multiple allocations when first allocation event comes in. 
Show error message when trying to allocate different sides or ordrebooks

Client View 
TraderName property was causing portfolio orders to be blank

Market Data 
Hidden orders do not reappear on reconnect. 
Added null check for when orderbook sumary contains incompatable stopcodes and note codes

Aggregate Trades 
Correctly select cells for RTD in AggregateTrades control. 
Manual trades where being counted twice in aggregate trades because trade date was 00:00:00 
Correctly save and load the list in Aggregate Trades 
Do not show rtd menu item when a trade is chosen.


Release Details


AllocationsFixed saving of allocation search
AllocationsFixed issue with Error when Commission category for allocation is no
AllocationsAdded ErrorMessage details to TradeAllocationWindow
AllocationsBroker Fee Percent decimals
AllocationsSaving loading of allocation search
AllocationsClear allocatable when instrument is not present
AllocationsChanged discount to discount/premium
AllocationsCall notify property changed when setting manual commission
AllocationsAdded properties to allocations grid
AllocationsManual commission fixes.
AllocationsChanged Always use manual commission in client orders to Use manual
AllocationsDo not hide commission category if usemanualcommission is on.
AllocationsDo not call notifypropertychanged unecessarily in ManualCommission
AllocationsImproved: Price discrepency user interface fixes. Fixed width and + and
AllocationsOMS-2819 #comment Set Commission and Processing Fee to null when manual
AllocationsOMS-2735 #comment Added 4 decimal points to broker fee #time 20m
AllocationsOMS-2641 #comment EffectiveCommissionPercent as workable percent #time
AllocationsOMS-2633 #comment Fine tuning ui for commission inputs #time 30m
AllocationsOMS-2652 #comment Added formatting for backoffice status in allocations
AllocationsOMS-2655 #comment Changed it so that Manual commission == false resets
AllocationsAdded total value and internal commments 30m
Allocationsimproved warning message in portfolio has access
AllocationsAdded decimal point tooltips to AllocationDetailsWindow
AllocationsImproving Allocation details window
AllocationsOMS-2706 #comment Disable update on allocation pending client order
AllocationsFixed issue where processing fee was not being compared
AllocationsAdded handling for double click of allocations grid
AllocationsFixed issue with mouse focus in portoflio input window
AllocationsFixed issue with selection of portfolio text
AllocationsDo not change portfolio when choosing instrument after customer
AllocationsFixed issue with commission category dropdown
AllocationsAllow for negative commission
AuctionsFixed: First level was not showing correct values after Auction
AuctionsOMS-2642 #comment Do not delete private orders in auction #time 1h
Auctionsfixed visiblity of auction
AuctionsAuction changes
AuctionsSet visible and remaining correctly during auctions
AuctionsAuction changes
AuctionsVisualation changes to Auction
AuctionsFormatted Auction
Auctionsadded IsAtEquilibriumPriceOrBetter
BondsRemoved Kodi.Bondscalc
CalculationIncreased decimal points in yield in summary and
CalculationOnly caclulate dirty price when fee has value
CalculationOMS-2713 #comment Optimized calculations so that they don't fire as
CalculationDisable controls when iscalculating is true
CalculationDo not calculate order in best price unless it has a market order
CalculationFixed bug where instruction should have be instrument and calculation
CalculationAdded calculating... indicator in summary controls
CalculationDo not disable windows while calculating
CalculationAdded gray background to summary controls when calculating
CalculationCalculation fine tuning
Excel RTDUpdated version of Excel Integration Common
Excel RTDOMS-2390 #comment Use system based list seperator for rtd #time 45m
FundsOMS-2817 #comment Improved: Added ability to enter Fund orders with
FundsImproved: Added tooltip for Quantity in Fund Orders summary
FundsFixed: instruction.IsInternalFund was used instead of
InstrumentsOMS-2848 #comment Load instruments in InstrumentSearchCached
InstrumentsOMS-2703 #comment Improved: Added IsInternalFund to Market Browser
Logging Try and catch and log subscribeToInstrument calls
Logging Added a log file which holds all received messages
Logging Added json.net to client.marketdata
Logging Improved logging of sideordersviewmodel to serialize object instead of
Logging Improved message logging to own file
Logging Changed Log level for UpdateUIIfNecessary to Trace
Logging Do not debug UpdateUIIfNecessary
Logging Debug messages in log file before processing
Logging Debug version in log file
Logging Added open log file and log directory
Logging Added debugging in OrderRequestInstance
Market DataOMS-2848 #comment Added IsHidden to Market Data Order and loaded
Market DataOMS-2848 #comment Fixed Side Orders Handling of pegged orders #time 5h
Market DataRemoved call to MarketData.Subscribe(instrument)
Market DataChange IInstrumentSearch Load to be public
Market DataRefactored/Improved Market Data / Private Data Handling
Market DataOnly raise secondary id changed if it really changed
Market DataOMS-2691 #comment Refactored OrderManager and SideOrders
Market DataOMS-2691 #comment Handle price changes for all hidden orders not just
Market DataAdded styles to DetaildOrderbookNumbersControl
Market DataOMS-2720 #comment update quantity in market depth from private orders
Market MakerOMS-2590 #comment Fixed issue where PriceQuote does not unsubscribe
Market MakerOMS-2679 #comment Aggregate trades missing column in child grid #time
Market MakerOMS-2560 #comment Fixed initial width of Market Depth control #time 1h
Market MakerImproved PriceQuoteSettings window with key input and focus
Market MakerAdded shortcut to add instrument in price quote
Market MakerSet price quote without calling async
MiscShow correct version in about window.
MiscImprovement: Get the assembly version in splash screen from assembly
MiscChanged CanCreateTradeReport and CanCreateOffExchange to return
MiscOMS-2659 #comment Fixed column orderding in WPF datagrids #time 3h
MiscFixed issue with delete
MiscOMS-2716 #comment Formatted window to have less wasted space #time 30m
MiscFixed rename tab and pane dialogs
MiscMarket data color in brushes themes
Off Exchange TradesOMS-2887 #comment Fixed too many decimal points in off exchange trade
Off Exchange TradesOMS-2904 #comment Disable yield if not inet #time 20m
Off Exchange TradesOMS-2839 #comment Off Exchange recalculates when trade and settlement
Off Exchange Tradesformatted price to have margin in offexchangesideinput and other xaml
Order EntryPrevent double order entry.
Order EntryDisable the order type selection box when modifying orders or client
Order EntryOMS-2774 #comment ignore remaining unsent errors with matching client
Order EntryAdded ability to send to market when complex
Order EntryCanSendToMarket only true if it has not been sent to market before
Order EntryFixed issue where orders were being reinserted in SideOrders if many
Order EntryOMS-2738 #comment Added number of decimal points to prices #time 1h
Order EntryOMS-2359 #comment Changed error text in order instruction details to red
Order EntryOMS-2633 #comment Added seconds to trade time executed in market order
Order EntryOMS-2679 #comment fixed processing of private orders #time 1h
Order EntryFixed issue with modifying private order
Order EntryOMS-2689 #comment Hidden Pegged orders doubled #comment 1h
Order Entryfixed issue with external account on instruction update
Order EntryOMS-2564 #comment Fixed handling of Order updates #time 4h
Order EntryOMS-1912 #comment Added context menu items to order instructions, orders
Order EntryDo not lock costMonitor in SellAll
Order EntryFixed issue where increment and decrement price did not work in order
Settlement DaysOMS-2842 #comment Updated (T+X) value and use BusinessDayCalculator to
Settlement DaysOMS-2736 #comment implemented a counter for settlement date display
Trade EntryOMS-2816 #comment Improved: Added warning dialog when cancelling trade
Trade EntryInternal: Changed price to input price in TradeEntryViewModel
Trade ReportsOMS-2816 #comment Improved: Do not allow cancelling of Trade Report
User AccessOMS-2835 #comment Added support for readonly friend groups.
User AccessOMS-2831 #comment Changed TradingDesk to Send to Desk