It is possible to call the derivatives api and get real time status of all contracts belonging to a customer via method
GetCustomerContracts(string customerId, string status, string assetClass, string symbol, string dateFrom, string dateTo)
by either adding a service reference to the web service and call from code or call directly from url in browser.
Parameter name | Description | Value format |
customerId | The ssn of the customer | e.g 1412753219, no hyphens or spaces |
status | The status of the contract (optional) | if omitted or null passed, it will return all contracts belonging to customer within date span, 0 for only open contracts and 1 for only closed contracts. |
assetClass | The assetClass of the contract (optional) | For filtering for only bonds set assetClass=”bonds” and if filtering for shares, set assetClass=”shares”, else all is returned |
symbol | The symbol of the underlying instrument (optional) | For filtering for symbols. If omitted, or null or empty string is passed, all contracts are returned. |
dateFrom | The date from which to query contracts (optional) | If omitted or null is passed it uses min date. The form should be 2020-05-21 |
dateTo | The date to which to query contracts (optional) | If omitted or null is passed it uses date today. The form should be 2020-05-21 |
The api method returns a string on json format, see example below:
[{ "ContractId": "1867-0", "Status": "New", "Broker": "Kapteinn OfurBroker", "DateCreated": "2018-01-18T12:13:53.777", "SettlementDate": "2018-01-22T00:00:00", "MaturityDate": "2018-02-19T00:00:00", "TradeDate": "2018-01-18T00:00:00", "FinalInterestDate": "2018-02-21T00:00:00", "ExpiryDate": "2018-02-19T00:00:00", "Side": "BUY", "Currency": "EUR", "CurrencyRate": 121.0, "Symbol": "HAGA", "Quantity": 450000.0, "CleanPrice": 213.0, "DirtyPrice": 213.0, "CollateralMargin": 0.0, "Signed": false, "SignedReceipt": false, "Interests": 1.5, "InterestFee": 50.0, "OpeningFee": 21.0, "ExecutionFee": 5.0, "TransactionFee": 0.0, "OtherFee": 2.0, "ChangeOfTermsFee": 0.0, "ClosingAmount": 0.0, "ClosingCleanPrice": 0.0, "ClosingDate": null, "ClosingDirtyPrice": 0.0, "ClosingDirtyPriceInclFee": 0.0, "ClosingFee": 0.0, "ClosingForwardPayments": null, "ClosingInterestAmount": null, "ClosingNetValue": null, "ClosingPnL": 0.0, "ClosingQuantity": 0.0, "ClosingSettlementDate": null, "ClosingTaxAmount": null, "ClosingTaxPercentage": null, "IsBond": false, "Pnl": -74865758.975333318, "StartPrice": 213.10654666666665, "CurrentPrice": 226.06835327851852, "LoanObligation": 101730758.97533332, "ShareObligation": 26865000.0, "ContractAmount": 95917115.999999985, "ForwardPrice": 213.55176172148143, "InterestAmount": -5813642.9753333321 }, { "ContractId": "1868-0", "Status": "New", "Broker": "Kapteinn OfurBroker", "DateCreated": "2018-01-23T14:57:51.72", "SettlementDate": "2018-01-22T00:00:00", "MaturityDate": "2018-02-22T00:00:00", "TradeDate": "2018-01-19T00:00:00", "FinalInterestDate": "2018-02-26T00:00:00", "ExpiryDate": "2018-02-22T00:00:00", "Side": "BUY", "Currency": "ISK", "CurrencyRate": 1.0, "Symbol": "RIKB 31 0124", "Quantity": 50000000.0, "CleanPrice": 112.8, "DirtyPrice": 119.264384, "CollateralMargin": 0.0, "Signed": false, "SignedReceipt": false, "Interests": 2.0, "InterestFee": 200.0, "OpeningFee": 21221.0, "ExecutionFee": 5.0, "TransactionFee": 0.0, "OtherFee": 2.0, "ChangeOfTermsFee": 0.0, "ClosingAmount": 0.0, "ClosingCleanPrice": 0.0, "ClosingDate": null, "ClosingDirtyPrice": 0.0, "ClosingDirtyPriceInclFee": 0.0, "ClosingFee": 0.0, "ClosingForwardPayments": null, "ClosingInterestAmount": null, "ClosingNetValue": null, "ClosingPnL": 0.0, "ClosingQuantity": 0.0, "ClosingSettlementDate": null, "ClosingTaxAmount": null, "ClosingTaxPercentage": null, "IsBond": true, "Pnl": -2781860.6491217823, "StartPrice": 119.366458192, "CurrentPrice": 133.84980429824356, "LoanObligation": 66924902.149121776, "ShareObligation": 64143041.5, "ContractAmount": 59695155.534399994, "ForwardPrice": 119.89440349331269, "InterestAmount": -7229746.6147217778 },