You can connect the watch list to other components by selecting the link icon in the top right corner. All components with the link icon selected will be connected and show information for the security you click on in the Watch List.
Custom watch list
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By clickin the gear icon in the Watch List component you will get a modal control for your custom watch lists. Here you can create lists, edit and delete custom lists.
Market Depth
The Market Depth component will show you the current order book for the selected security. The depth shown will depend on the market data subscription you have.
A different version of the Market Depth component that shows orders in a vertical order with the highest price at the top and the lowest price at the bottom. The bids will be on the left and the asks will be on the right.
Bond Calculator
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Calculate the value of Icelandic bonds and examine their cash-flows. The bonds calculator supports all the bonds listed on the Nasdaq Iceland exchange. You can calculate values like the yield to maturity, net present value and duration of all non- and index linked bonds.