- Off Exchange Trade. Users can create orders, trades and allocations for an off-exchange trade - all in one step. [QA Tested: 08.09.2015]. [QA: Needs integration testing at customers location]
- Client order to trade report. User can right-click a client order and select to create trade report. New Trade report window opens with preset values. [QA Tested: 08.09.2015] [QA: Needs integration testing at customers location]
- Select trading desk for client orders. User groups without direct market access can select to which trading desk they send their orders. [QA Tested: 08.09.2015]
- Cancel allocation. When a user cancels an allocation, KODIAK Oms calls a back-office web-service that cancels the allocation in that back-office system. . [QA Tested: 08.09.2015] [QA: Needs integration testing at customers location]