Hér má finna upplýsingar um allar þjónustur í KODIAK Excel sem viðkemur hlutabréfum.
Auk dagslokaverðs eru upplýsingar um hagstæðustu kaup- og sölutilboð, magn og verðmæti viðskipta, hæsta og lægsta verð, opnunarverð og fjölda viðskipta.
Returns the closing best ask value for a given symbol for the latest business day
Returns the closing best ask value for a given symbol or orderbook for a given day
- og sölutilboð, magn og verðmæti viðskipta, hæsta og lægsta verð, opnunarverð og fjölda viðskipta.
Föll/Runur | Lýsing | ||
CAsk | Returns the closing best ask value for a given symbol for the latest business day | ||
CAskD | Returns the closing best ask value for a given symbol or orderbook for a given day | ||
CBid | Returns the closing best bid value for a given symbol or orderbook for the latest business day | ||
CBidD | Returns the bid closing price for a given symbol or orderbook for a given day | ||
ClosingPrices | Returns closing prices for a given symbol and period | ||
ClosingPricesD | Returns the closing price record for all companies for a given day | ||
CNumberOfShares | Returns the number of shares for a given symbol and the current day | ||
CNumberOfSharesAVEDD | Returns the average number of shares for a given symbol and period | ||
CNumberOfSharesD | Returns the number of shares for a given symbol and day. If the day is not a business day - it returns the value from the next businessday before. | ||
CNumberOfTrades | Returns total number of trades for a given symbol for the latest business day | ||
CBidDCNumberOfTradesD | Returns the bid closing price total number of trades for a given symbol or orderbook for a given day | ||
ClosingPricesCNumberOfTradesDD | Returns closing prices total number of trades for a given symbol and period | ClosingPricesD | Returns the closing price record for all companies for a given dayperiod |
CNumberOfSharesCOfficialLast | Returns the number of shares official closing price for a given symbol and for the current latest business day | ||
CNumberOfSharesAVEDDCOfficialLastAVEDD | Returns the average number of shares official closing price for a given symbol and for the given period | ||
CNumberOfSharesDCOfficialLastCorrected | Returns the number of shares corrected official closing price for a given symbol and day. If the day is not a business day - it returns the value from the next businessday before. | CNumberOfTrades | Returns total number of trades for the latest business day |
COfficialLastCorrectedAVEDD | Returns the average corrected official closing price for a given symbol for the latest business day | CNumberOfTradesD | Returns total number of trades given period |
COfficialLastCorrectedD | Returns the corrected official closing price for a given symbol for a given day | ||
CNumberOfTradesDDCOfficialLastD | Returns total number of trades the official closing price for a given symbol for a given periodday | ||
COfficialLastCOfficialLastDate | Returns the date of the source of the official closing price for a given symbol for the latest business day | ||
COfficialLastAVEDDCOfficialLastDateD | Returns the date of the source of the average official closing price for a given symbol for the a given periodday | ||
COfficialLastCorrectedCPaidFirst | Returns the corrected official closing opening price for a given symbol for the latest business day | ||
COfficialLastCorrectedAVEDDCPaidFirstD | Returns the average corrected official closing opening price for a given symbol for a given day | ||
CPaidHigh | Returns the given periodCOfficialLastCorrectedDhighest paid price for a given symbol for the latest business day | ||
CPaidHighD | Returns the corrected official closing highest paid price for a given symbol for a given day | ||
COfficialLastDCPaidHighDD | Returns the official highest closing price for a given symbol for and a given dayperiod | ||
COfficialLastDateCPaidLast | Returns the date of the source of the official closing price for a given symbol for the latest business day | COfficialLastDateD | Returns the date of the source of the official . This is NOT the official calculated and corrected price. |
CPaidLastD | Returns the closing price for a given symbol for a given dayCPaidFirst. This is NOT the official calculated and corrected price. | ||
CPaidLow | Returns the opening lowest price paid for a given symbol for the latest business day | ||
CPaidFirstDCPaidLowD | Returns the opening lowest price paid for a given symbol for a given day | ||
CPaidHighCPaidLowDD | Returns the highest paid lowest closing price for a given symbol for the latest business day | CPaidHighD | Returns the highest paid price and a given period |
CSpreadAVEDD | Returns average spread for a given period | ||
CTradedAmount | Returns the total amount of trading for a given symbol for a given day | CPaidHighDD | Returns the highest closing price the latest businessday |
CTradedAmountAverageDD | Average traded amount for a given symbol and a given trading period | ||
CPaidLastCTradedAmountD | Returns the closing price total amount of trading for a given symbol for the latest business day. This is NOT the official calculated and corrected price.CPaidLastDa given day | ||
CTradedAmountDD | Returns the closing price total amount of trading for a given symbol for a given period | ||
CTurnoverVelocity | Returns turnover velocity for a given day. This is NOT the official calculated and corrected price. | CPaidLow | Returns the lowest price paid period. (CVolumeTradedTotalDD/CNumberOfSharesAVEDD) |
CVolumeTraded | Returns the total volume of trading for a given symbol for the latest business day | ||
CPaidLowD | Returns the lowest price paid CVolumeTradedAverageDD | Average volume traded per day for a given symbol for instrument and a given daydate period | |
CPaidLowDDCVolumeTradedD | Returns the lowest closing price total volume of trades for a given symbol and a given period | CSpreadAVEDD | Returns average spread for a given periodday |
CTradedAmountCVolumeTradedDD | Returns the total amount volume of trading trades for a given symbol for the latest businessday | CTradedAmountAverageDD | Average traded amount a given period |
OfficialLastDD | Returns the closingprices for a given symbol and over a given trading period | ||
CTradedAmountDTradedAmountD | Returns Gives the total amount of trading for a given symbol for a traded for given day | ||
CTradedAmountDDUSAdjustedClosingPriceD | Experimental: Returns the total amount of trading adjusted closing price for a given symbol for on a given periodtrading date | ||
CTurnoverVelocityUSClosingPriceD | Returns turnover velocity for a given period. (CVolumeTradedTotalDD/CNumberOfSharesAVEDD) | ||
CVolumeTraded | Returns the total volume of trading for a given symbol for the latest business day | ||
CVolumeTradedAverageDD | Average volume traded per day for a given instrument and a given date period | ||
CVolumeTradedD | Returns the total volume of trades for a given symbol for a given day | ||
CVolumeTradedDD | Returns the total volume of trades for a given symbol for a given period | ||
OfficialLastDD | Returns the closingprices for a given symbol over a given period | ||
TradedAmountD | Gives the total amount traded for given day | ||
USAdjustedClosingPriceD | Experimental: Returns the adjusted closing price for a given symbol on a given trading date | ||
USClosingPriceD | Experimental: Returns the closing price for a given symbol on a given date | ||
USHighPriceD | Experimental: Returns the high price for a given symbol on a given trading date | ||
USLowPriceD | Experimental: Returns the lowest price for a given symbol on a given trading date | ||
USOpenPriceD | Experimental: Returns the opening price for a given symbol on a given trading date | ||
USTickers | Experimental: Returns a list of US tickers that are available in the system | ||
USVolumeD | Experimental: Returns the trading volume for a given symbol on a given trading dateExperimental: Returns the closing price for a given symbol on a given date | ||
USHighPriceD | Experimental: Returns the high price for a given symbol on a given trading date | ||
USLowPriceD | Experimental: Returns the lowest price for a given symbol on a given trading date | ||
USOpenPriceD | Experimental: Returns the opening price for a given symbol on a given trading date | ||
USTickers | Experimental: Returns a list of US tickers that are available in the system | ||
USVolumeD | Experimental: Returns the trading volume for a given symbol on a given trading date |
Sýnishorn | Skjal |
NasdaqOMXPrices Skjal með upplýsingum um rauntímaviðskipti í Nordic Exchange. | |
ClosingPrices Skjal með upplýsingum um dagslokaverð bréfa í Nordic Exchange | |
BondsCalc - BondsInfo Skjal sem sýnir upplýsingar um forsendur skuldabréfa. Skjalið sýnir einnig notkun á föllum og runum fyrir útreikninga á ávöxtunarkröfu, núvirði, binditíma o.f.l. | |
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