Rauntímaupplýsingar og söguleg gögn sem sýna ávöxtunarkröfu í dagslok og upphafi dags, út frá hagstæðasta kaup- og sölutilboði, lægstu og hæstu ávöxtunarkröfu o.fl.
Föll/Runur | Lýsing | ||
BondsClosingInfo | Returns bonds closing information for a given symbol and period | ||
AskYield | Returns the best Ask Yield for a given symbol | ||
AskYieldD | Returns the best Ask Yield for a given symbol for a given day | ||
BidYield | Returns the best bid yield for a given symbol | ||
BidYieldD | Returns the best bid yield for a given symbol for a given day | ||
BondsClosingInfo | Returns bonds closing information for a given symbol and period | ||
BondsClosingInfoD | Returns the bonds closing information for all companies for a given day | ||
PointChange4WeeksHighYield | Returns the difference of the yield 4 weeks ago and the yield today, multiplied by 10.000 | ||
PointChange7Days | Returns the difference of the yield 7 days ago and the yield today, multiplied by 10.000 | ||
PointChange12M | Returns the difference of the yield 12 months ago and the yield today, multiplied by 10.000 | ||
PointChangeThisYear | Returns the difference of the yield in the beginning of this year and the yield today, multiplied by 10.000 | ||
LastDirtyPrice | Returns the dirty highest trade yield during a business day | ||
HighYieldD | Returns the highest trade yield during a business day or day interval. If no trade price is found then the latest corrected official closing price is used | ||
LastDirtyPrice | Returns the dirty price according to last trade price, for a given symbol | ||
LastDirtyPriceD | Returns the dirty price according to the last price on a given day, for a given symbol. If no trade price is found then the latest corrected official closing price is used | ||
LastDuration | Returns the duration according to last trade price, for a given symbol | ||
LastDurationD | Returns the duration according to the last price on a given day, for a given symbol. If no trade price is found then the latest corrected official closing price is used | ||
HighYieldLastValuePerBasePoint | Returns the highest trade yield during a business day | HighYieldD | Returns the highest trade yield during a business day or day intervalvalue per base point according to last trade price, for a given symbol |
LastValuePerBasePointD | Returns the value per base point according to the last price on a given day, for a given symbol. If no trade price is found then the latest corrected official closing price is used | ||
LowYieldLastYield | Returns the lowest trade yield during a business day or day interval | ||
LowYieldD | Returns the lowest trade yield during a business day or day interval | ||
OpeningYield | Returns the trade opening yield Yield of the last price for a given symbol | ||
OpeningYieldD | Returns the trade opening yield for a given symbol for a given day. Returns #VALUE if no trading occurred during the opening | ||
LastValuePerBasePoint | Returns the value per base point according to last trade price, for a given symbol | ||
LastValuePerBasePointD | Returns the value per base point according to the last price on a given day, for a given symbol. If no trade price is found then the latest corrected official closing price is used | ||
Yield4Weeks | Returns the yield 4 weeks ago for a given symbol | ||
Yield7Days | Returns the yield 7 days ago for a given symbolaccording the the stock exchange. This last price is not calculated the same way as NASDAQ OMX Iceland calculates official closing prices. | ||
LastYieldD | Returns the Yield of the last price for a given Symbol for a given day. This last price is calculated the same way as NASDAQ OMX Iceland calculates official closing prices. | ||
LowYield | Returns the lowest trade yield during a business day or day interval | ||
LowYieldD | Returns the lowest trade yield during a business day or day interval | ||
OpeningYield | Returns the trade opening yield for a given symbol | ||
OpeningYieldD | Returns the trade opening yield for a given symbol for a given day. Returns #VALUE if no trading occurred during the opening | ||
PointChange12M | Returns the difference of the yield 12 months ago and the yield today, multiplied by 10.000 | ||
PointChange4Weeks | Returns the difference of the yield 4 weeks ago and the yield today, multiplied by 10.000 | ||
PointChange7Days | Returns the difference of the yield 7 days ago and the yield today, multiplied by 10.000 | ||
PointChangeThisYear | Returns the difference of the yield in the beginning of this year and the yield today, multiplied by 10.000 | ||
Yield12M | Returns the yield 12 months ago for a given symbol | ||
YieldThisYearYield4Weeks | Returns the yield in the beginning of this year 4 weeks ago for a given symbol | ||
LastYieldYield7Days | Returns the Yield of the last price yield 7 days ago for a given symbol according the the stock exchange. This last price is not calculated the same way as NASDAQ OMX Iceland calculates official closing prices. | LastYieldD | Returns the Yield of the last price for a given Symbol for a given day. This last price is calculated the same way as NASDAQ OMX Iceland calculates official closing prices. |
YieldThisYear | Returns the yield in the beginning of this year for a given symbol |
Upplýsingar um rauntímaviðskipti í Nordic Exchange með beinni tengingu við INET viðskiptakerfið. Öll ný viðskipti og tilboð skráð en aðeins viðskipti sem mæta skilyrðum um „trading lot“ og tegund eru verðmyndandi.
Föll/Runur | Lýsing | |
AskPrice | Returns the best ask price for a given symbol | |
AskQuantity | Returns the quantity of the current best ask for a given symbol | |
BidPrice | Returns the best bid price for a given symbol. | |
BidQuantity | Returns the quantity of the current best bid for a given symbol | |
CurrentMarketValue | Returns the current marketvalue for a given symbol | |
High12Months | Returns the highest price traded in the last 12 months for a given symbol | |
High12MonthsDate | Returns the date at which the highest traded price occurred in the past 12 months. | |
High4Weeks | Returns the highest price traded in the last four weeks for a given symbol | |
High7Days | Returns the highest price traded in the last 7 days for a given symbol | |
HighDD | Returns the highest price traded in a given period for a given symbol | |
HighPrice | Returns the highest trade price during a business day. If no trade price is found then the latest closing high paid price is returned | |
HighThisYear | Returns the highest price traded in this year for a given symbol | |
LastPaidD | Returns the last paid price on a given day for a given symbol. The function only considers trades that update last price | |
LastPrice | Returns the last priceforming trade price for a given symbol. If no trade price is found then the latest corrected official closing price is returned | |
LastPriceD | Returns the last priceforming trade price for a given symbol and day. If no trade price is found then the latest corrected official closing price is returned | |
LastPriceTradeTime | Returns the date and time of the last priceforming trade for a given symbol. If last trade was not today, only the date is returned. | |
LastTradeDateD | Returns the trade date where the last trade happened for a given symbol on or before the given date. | |
LastTradePrice | Returns the last trade price for a given symbol. | |
Low12Months | Returns the lowest price traded in the last 12 months for a given symbol | |
Low12MonthsDate | Returns the date at which the lowest traded price occurred in the past 12 months. | |
Low4Weeks | Returns the lowest price traded in the last four weeks for a given symbol | |
Low7Days | Returns the lowest price traded in the last 7 days for a given symbol | |
LowDD | Returns the lowest price traded in a given period for a given symbol | |
LowPrice | Returns the lowest trade price during a business day. If no trade price is found then the latest closing low paid price is returned | |
LowThisYear | Returns the lowest price traded in this year for a given symbol | |
MarketCapD | Returns the total market value for a given symbol and day. Outstanding shares are exclusive of shares held by the company itself. The closingprice for the given day is used as price. | |
NetChange12Months | Returns the net price change in the last 12 months for a given symbol | |
NetChange3Months | Returns the net price change in the last 3 months for a given symbol | |
NetChange4Weeks | Returns the net price change in the last four weeks for a given symbol | |
NetChange7Days | Returns the net price change in the last 7 days for a given symbol | |
NetChangeThisYear | Returns the net price change (nominal) this year for a given symbol | |
NetChangeToday | Returns the net price change within the current day for a given symbol | |
NordicAskPrice | Returns the latest ask price for a given stock symbol. Applies to all NASDAQ Nordic exchanges | |
NordicAskQuantity | Return the latest ask quantity for a given symbol. Applies to all NASDAQ Nordic symbols. | |
NordicBidPrice | Returns the latest bid price for a given symbol. Applies to all NASDAQ Nordic exchanges. | |
NordicBidQuantity | Return the latest bid quantity for a given stock symbol. Applies to all NASDAQ Nordic symbols. | |
NordicLastPrice | Returns the last price forming trade price for a given symbol | |
NordicLastPriceD | Returns the latest price forming price for a given symbol on or before the given trade date. | |
NordicTurnoverToday | Returns the turnover (in trading currency) today for a given symbol. | |
NordicVolumeToday | Returns the volume in shares today | |
NumberOfTradesTotal | Returns the total number of trades in Saxess today for a given symbol. | |
OpeningPrice | Returns the opening trade price during a business day. If no trade price is found then NULL is returned | |
PerChangeCorrected30Days | Returns the percentage change in price between closing price 30 days ago and the latest price. Price used is the adjusted price for corporate actions. Calculating 30 days: Current date - 30 days, if the earlier date is a holiday then we use the latest date before that. | |
PerChangeCorrected7Days | Returns the percentage change in price between closing price 7 days ago and the latest price. Price used is the adjusted price for corporate actions. Calculating 7 days: Current date - 7 days, if the earlier date is a holiday then we use the latest date before that. | |
PerChangeCorrectedYTD | Returns the percentage change in price YTD. Price used is the adjusted price for corporate actions. | |
Price4Weeks | Returns the price 4 weeks ago for a given symbol | |
TotalAskOrders | Returns the total volume on the ask side of the book at a given time for a given symbol | |
TotalBidOrders | Returns the total volume on the bid side of the book at a given time for a given symbol | |
TradableAbsReturnDD | Returns the absolute price change including dividends or interest payments for a given tradable between two dates | |
TradablePerReturnDD | Returns the percentage price change including dividends or interest payments for a given tradable between two dates | |
TradablePerReturnReinvestDD | Returns the total return for a given bond between two dates where interest payments and index adjustments are reinvested. | |
TradeCount12M | Returns the count of trades traded in the last 12 months for a given symbol | |
TradeCount4Weeks | Returns the count of trades traded in the last 4 weeks for a given symbol | |
TradeCount7Days | Returns the count of trades traded in the last 7 days for a given symbol | |
TradeCountDD | Returns the count of trades traded in a given period for a given symbol | |
TradeCountThisYear | Returns the count of trades traded this year for a given symbol | |
TradeCountToday | Returns the total number of trades in Saxess today for a given symbol. | |
TradedAmountTotal | Returns the total amount of trading in Saxess today for a given symbol. | |
ValueTraded12M | Returns the total value traded in the last 12 months for a given symbol | |
ValueTraded4Weeks | Returns the total value traded in the last 4 weeks for a given symbol | |
ValueTraded7Days | Returns the total value traded in the last 7 days for a given symbol | |
ValueTradedDD | Returns the total value traded in a given period for a given symbol | |
ValueTradedOnExchangeDD | Returns volume * price for a given date period and a given symbol. Includes only trades executed on the exchange. | |
ValueTradedThisYear | Returns the total value traded in this year for a given symbol | |
ValueTradedToday | Returns the total value of trading (eligible for last price updates) today for a given symbol. | |
ValueTradedTodayM | Returns the total value of trading today for a given market symbol | |
ValueTradeReportsDD | Returns volume * price for a given date period. Includes only trade reports and OTC trades (Trade class = Non Standard) | |
VolumeTraded12M | Returns the total volume traded in the last 12 months for a given symbol | |
VolumeTraded4Weeks | Returns the total volume traded in the last 4 weeks for a given symbol | |
VolumeTraded7Days | Returns the total volume traded in the last 7 days for a given symbol | |
VolumeTradedDD | Returns the total volume traded in a given period for a given symbol | |
VolumeTradedOnExchangeDD | Returns the total volume between two dates that was traded on the exchange. This does not include trades executed off the exchange and then reported. | |
VolumeTradedThisYear | Returns the total volume traded in this year for a given symbol | |
VolumeTradedToday | Returns the total volume of trading in Saxess today for a given symbol. | |
VolumeTradeReportsDD | Returns the total volume of trade reports and OTC trades between two dates that were reported to the exchange. | |
Vwap | Returns the intraday VWAP (volume weighted average price) for a given symbol | |
VwapAsk | Returns the volume weighted price on the ask side of the book at a given time for a given symbol | |
VwapBid | Returns the volume weighted price on the bid side of the book at a given time for a given symbolVwap | Returns the intraday VWAP (volume weighted average price) for a given symbol |
Upplýsingar um dagslokaverð í NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange. Ein ný færsla fyrir hvert skráð auðkenni fyrir hvern viðskiptadag. Alltaf skráð eða reiknað verð, hvort sem viðskipti áttu sér stað eða ekki.
Föll/Runur | Lýsing |
CAsk | Returns the closing best ask value for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CAskD | Returns the closing best ask value for a given symbol or orderbook for a given day |
CBid | Returns the closing best bid value for a given symbol or orderbook for the latest business day |
CBidD | Returns the bid closing price for a given symbol or orderbook for a given day |
ClosingPrices | Returns closing prices for a given symbol and period |
ClosingPricesD | Returns the closing price record for all companies for a given day |
CNumberOfShares | Returns the number of shares for a given symbol and the current day |
CNumberOfSharesAVEDD | Returns the average number of shares for a given symbol and period |
CNumberOfSharesD | Returns the number of shares for a given symbol and day. If the day is not a business day - it returns the value from the next business day businessday before. |
CNumberOfTrades | Returns total number of trades for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CNumberOfTradesD | Returns total number of trades for a given symbol for a given day |
CNumberOfTradesDD | Returns total number of trades for a given symbol for a given period |
COfficialLast | Returns the official closing price for a given symbol for the latest business day |
COfficialLastAVEDD | Returns the average official closing price for a given symbol for the given period |
COfficialLastCorrected | Returns the corrected official closing price for a given symbol for the latest business day |
COfficialLastCorrectedAVEDD | Returns the average corrected official closing price for a given symbol for the given period |
COfficialLastCorrectedD | Returns the corrected official closing price for a given symbol for a given day |
COfficialLastD | Returns the official closing price for a given symbol for a given day |
COfficialLastDate | Returns the date of the source of the official closing price for a given symbol for the latest business day |
COfficialLastDateD | Returns the date of the source of the official closing price for a given symbol for a given day |
CPaidFirst | Returns the opening price for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CPaidFirstD | Returns the opening price for a given symbol for a given day |
CPaidHigh | Returns the highest paid price for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CPaidHighD | Returns the highest paid price for a given symbol for a given day |
CPaidHighDD | Returns the highest closing price for a given symbol and a given period |
CPaidLast | Returns the closing price for a given symbol for the latest business day. This is NOT the official calculated and corrected price. |
CPaidLastD | Returns the closing price for a given symbol for a given day. This is NOT the official calculated and corrected price. |
CPaidLow | Returns the lowest price paid for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CPaidLowD | Returns the lowest price paid for a given symbol for a given day |
CPaidLowDD | Returns the lowest closing price for a given symbol and a given period |
CSpreadAVEDD | Returns average spread for a given period |
CTradedAmount | Returns the total amount of trading for a given symbol for the latest business daybusinessday |
CTradedAmountAverageDD | Average traded amount for a given symbol and a given trading period |
CTradedAmountD | Returns the total amount of trading for a given symbol for a given day |
CTradedAmountDD | Returns the total amount of trading for a given symbol for a given period |
CTurnoverVelocity | Returns turnover velocity for a given period. (CVolumeTradedTotalDD/CNumberOfSharesAVEDD) |
CVolumeTraded | Returns the total volume of trading for a given symbol for the latest business day |
CVolumeTradedAverageDD | Average volume traded per day for a given instrument and a given date period |
CVolumeTradedD | Returns the total volume of trades for a given symbol for a given day |
CVolumeTradedDD | Returns the total volume of trades for a given symbol for a given period |
OfficialLastDD | Returns the closing prices closingprices for a given symbol over a given period |
TradedAmountD | Gives the total amount traded for given day |
USAdjustedClosingPriceD | Experimental: Returns the adjusted closing price for a given symbol on a given trading date |
USClosingPriceD | Experimental: Returns the closing price for a given symbol on a given date |
USHighPriceD | Experimental: Returns the high price for a given symbol on a given trading date |
USLowPriceD | Experimental: Returns the lowest price for a given symbol on a given trading date |
USOpenPriceD | Experimental: Returns the opening price for a given symbol on a given trading date |
USTickers | Experimental: Returns a list of US tickers that are available in the system |
USVolumeD | Experimental: Returns the trading volume for a given symbol on a given trading date |