Toolbars and Menus
Most functionality in Kodiak can be accessed through either the Main Toolbar or Menu
Main Toolbar
The main toolbar contains the following sections.
New Items
This toolbar button opens a Client Order entry window as seen below.
The Market Order Entry Window allows you to create market orders and send them to a broker (DMA/Manual) or a market (DMA).
Orders that are matched (generation of trades) outside of the exchange have to be reported to the exchange.
The Off Exchange Trade Window allows you to create and allocate off exchange trades to the back office system.
The Client Orders view shows a list of all Client Orders that the user has access to.
The icon will show a number in the lower right corner
to show the number of Client Orders which are in the Assigned workflow status.The Market Orders View shows all the active market orders that the brokerage has on the market. Active market orders are on the market or attached to client orders that have not been completed.
The Allocations View control will display a list of current Allocations.
The Client Order Search window allows you to query Kodiak for older Client Orders.
The Market Order Search control allows you to search historic Market Orders.
The Trader Search control allows you to search historic Trades.
The Allocation Search control allows you to query Kodiak for historic Allocations.
Market Data
To help you keep track of instruments (stocks and bonds) that pique your interest you can create a Watch List within KODIAK OMS. The Watch list instrument allows you to follow any number of stocks and bonds and displays in depth data about ask and bid price.
The Kodiak Oms Market depth instrument shows the market depth for a selected trade or bond. The Market Depth instrument can be accessed from the toolbar.
The Trade Ticker control displays all market data trades for a given list of Orderbooks.
The Bond Calculator Window allows users to calculate the value of Icelandic bonds for any given settlement date.
It is possible to span Kodiak across multiple windows.
The Market Browser control will display a list of all Orderbooks.
Main Menu
The main menu is located on the upper right hand corner of the Kodiak window.
The View Menu Item will open up the following submenu.
The functionality which is not covered in the main toolbar documentation are:
Users can send multiple orders to the market at the same time from the Pending Orders View. It is now possible to create a list of Market Orders and send them all to the market at the same time.
Kodiak OMS now calculates the Market Makers portfolio from all the executions the market makers group has made.
In the price quote window it is possible to create a list of instruments and manage multiple orders for those instruments.
The settings windows contains settings the user can personalize. The configuration is stored for the currently logged in user on the computer.
The documentation menu item will open a browser with this User Manual.
About Kodiak
About Kodiak will display a dialog which displays the application version and connected server.