Kodi FX Exchange: Added compatibility for the Kodi FX Exchange, orders can be sent to KODIAK Oms to the exchange and allocated to the backoffice.
Bloomberg Trade Capture: Receive Trades/Orders from Bloomberg through EMS that can be allocated by KODIAK Oms users.
New Order Instruction Service: Intended for apps or online banking, endpoint with pre trade checks, such as buying power and portfolio positions. Can be used with KODIAK Private data streamer for real-time updates on all orders.
New Features
Added new control to Client, Strategy Orders, to maintain TWAP/VWAP/POV orders
New Features
When updating a Client Order with 1 market order it is now possilbe to update the market order
Libra Customer Integration can now get Agents from backoffice system
Admin X - Added National ID to add/edit user operations
Admin X - It is possible to view, add and edit Agents
Add National Id and External System Id to Agents
Added the possibility to send email from Order Entry Server when FATAL errors occur
Default commission for DMA orders
Display Portfolio position in Kodiak OMS Client with data from Libra
Risk check for DMA users can now be configured to be per customer
Update Libra Allocation to use Bypass backoffice inspection when allocating, use value from client
Bug Fixes
Fixed database deadlock issue in auto-allocation, causing the same allocation to be sent to the backoffice system twice
Fixed issue where it was not possible to add Trader in adminX system
Fixed issue when modifying replaced order to not display error message: "account is Required property for Clearing account"
Broker leg Libra adapter handles null in SSN field when getting customer
Fixed issue where BasicData.log can be up to 300 mb
Add warning message when Client order attached to a client without LEI Code is sent to market
Libra Customer integration to use customer ext_ref_id as key when getting customers from Libra not SSN
Libra Customer integration to remove LEI Code for customer if the LEI Code is expired
Oms Server will try to start again if the service can not connect to the database
If a user exists and a trader (exchange username) is added after the server has started the server will search in the database
When cancelling "Unknown order" in INET and Genium INET the server will update the order to cancelled
Backoffice Id should not be required when creating Instrument in AdminX
New Order Instruction Service (RetailOrderInstructionService)
Service that can be used to send orders through with buy and sell checks
Can be connected to a private data streamer that feeds real time updates on orders
Added CalculateOrder function with buying- & selling checks
Update Allocation from RetailOrderInstructionService to have configurable to bypass backoffice inspection
Added Service to search for orders and trades for given client
Integrate data from backoffice system with portfolio position, account status and allocated orders and trades
Bloomberg Trade Capture
Receive Trades/Orders from Bloomberg through EMS
Retreive Static data from Bloomberg
Kodi FX Exchange integration in KODIAK Oms
Implement Trade Report functionality for Kodi FX Exchange
Disable Capacity dropdown in order entry for Kodi FX symbols
Intraday trades in trade ticker
Allow good till cancel orders on KodiFX
Modify active Client Order on the Kodi FX Exchange
Cancel active Client Order on the Kodi FX Exchange
Create a new Client Order on the Kodi FX Exchange
Modify active Fx Order on the Kodi FX Exchange
Cancel Fx Order on the Kodi Fx Exchange
Kodi FX Trades should be seen in Trade Ticker (Market data)
Kodi Fx Orders should be displayed in the private data grids(Market Order View, Trades View,)
Add Trade Report functionality for Kodi FX Exchange
Fx Trade Report Only Support Internal Trade Report
User should not be able to send in KodiX orders without a trader
Kodi FX orders to included Capacity
Allow good till cancel orders on KodiFX
Allocate a filled or partially filled FX Order
Kodi exchange symbols should be exempt from MiFID test, make it configurable per instrument
New Features
Instruments that should be exempt from MiFID check can now be configured to be exempt from MiFID II check
User can enter value instead of volume in Market Order Entry & Trade Report Entry
User can enter value instead of volume in Client Order Entry & Off Exchange Entry
Display Portfolio position in Kodiak OMS Client with data from Libra (server configuration needed, only available with Vog)
Forward contracts can now be sent through Off Exchange Entry
When updating a Client Order with one market order the market order is also updated
It is now possible to see allocation from market order, trade and client order
Imbalance Client orders can now be "Mark as complete" from context menu
Added "Set advice as default" option in Settings -> Allocations
Display value of orders in New/Update Market Order Window
Added ReferenceLast Price and Volume in Update Client Order and Market Order
"Sales person" added in Off Exchange Order
Added new setting in Price Quote Setting for spread calculation that the spread should not be lower than X%
Added alerts in Trade Ticker, with price change and to use value or shares as threshold
Allow users to edit agents fields in Client
Allow users to add agents in OMS client
Highlight Client Orders red when workflow status is Allocation Error
Show error message when Client does not have LEI / National ID in Client Order and Market Order
Added custom price tick configuration in Market Maker control settings
Add "Is Liquidity Provision" to Market Order Details window
Added popup when modifying active orders and the active order changes
Improved Workspace loading
Display correct error message when creating Client order in bonds that do not have yield in the LiveMarketData systems
Broker Statistics updated to a native control
Funds updated to a native control
Change "Is Suitable" to "Is Appropriate" in MiFID results
Bug Fixes
Allocation trade date is missing timestamp in Trade Reports
Added C++ 2013 Redistributable in Clickonce og Install in KODIAK Oms Client
Added posibility to show error or warning in KODIAK Oms Client when NORE or PNAL is selected when sending Orders to the Exchange
Allow users to change Trade date and Settlment date in Off Exchange Order entry
Internal trade report now shows "Client ref" and "Order ref" on both sides.
Trade report Genium "Client ref" is now received on internal trade report
Fixed issue when allocating market order with a speficied client with more than one trade the client is not prefilled when allocating order
Show Trade Type in Trade Ticker
Not possible to send Client Order when Customer has “null” in “Last Updated” column and MiFID integration is enabled
Fixed issue where Trade Report could take up to one minute to be sent to the exchange, added seconds in the Trade Date box.
Show correct error message when breaking Trade Reports after OMS connects to the failover connection
Show correct error message when cancelling Market Orders after OMS connects to the failover connection
Fixed issue when Client order should be expired but was not updated in KODIAK Oms Client
Assigned client order - stop that the same client order can be sent to the market twice
Internal Issues
Added TLS 1.2 as default protocol
All Market data controls call LMD API on background thread, not UI thread
Replace/Fix Reactive UI logic where it calls services on the UI thread.
Add National Id and External System Id to Agents