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Data from financial statements of publicly traded companies in Iceland. The data is updated on the day of release and goes back several years. The data is organized using keys (111000, 200000 (Assets), 300000 (Equity) 910100 (Total Income)  etc.), company symbols (HAGA, ICEAIR, VOICE etc.) and financial period names (


Með Questor er hægt að sækja upplýsingar úr árs- og árshlutareikningum fyrirtækja á markaði innan við klukkutíma eftir að uppgjör eru birt. 
Almennt fall, QuestorKeyLookup(), sækir gögn eftir auðkenni, fjárhagsári, tímabili (Q1,Q2,Q4,3M,6M,9M,Y, Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4).

Description of functions and queries

Looking up by Key ID - Functions


Return Type


QuestorKeyLookupDoubleLook-up by key, period and symbol

Using this function, you can look up an amount from the financial statements based on the following parameters:

Symbol (examples: HAGA, SJOVA, MARL)

Financial Year (example: 2012)

Financial Period (options: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, 3M, 6M, 9M, Y)

Key ID (examples: 110000, 200000, 300000)

To know what Key parameter to use, you should look up the QuestorCompanyKeys or for example the QuestorKeysRetail datasets.


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Föll og runur

QuestorCompaniesReturns a list of the companies available.
QuestorCompanyKeysKeys used by given company
QuestorCompanyNameSReturns the company name for a given ticker symbol
QuestorEarningsReturns total earnings
QuestorEBITReturns EBIT
QuestorEBITDAReturns the EBITDA for a given fiscal year and period
QuestorEBITDAEVSDReturns the EBITDA/EV ratio for a given symbol on a given date. EBITDA/EV is calculated as (EBITDA trailing twelve months)/(Market capital + Interest bearing debt - Cash)
QuestorEBTReturns EBT
QuestorEnterpriseValueSDReturns the enterprise value in the reported currency for a given symbol and trading date. Calculated as market capital on the given date + interest bearing liabilities (key: 920500) - cash (key: 224000).
QuestorEVEBITDAAveSDDReturns the average EV/EBITDA ratio for a given symbol and a given period
QuestorEVEBITDASDReturns the EV/EBITDA ratio for a given symbol on a given date. EV/EBITDA calculated as (Market Capital + Interest Bearing Debt - Cash) / EBITDA trailing twelve months.
QuestorEVEBITSDReturns the EV/EBIT ratio for a given symbol and trading date
QuestorFullReportFull report given the symbol, year and period
QuestorFullReportENReturns the full report for a given symbol, financial year and period. Here the key names are in English
QuestorGrossProfitReturns gross profit
QuestorIndustrySReturns the industry in which a company operates for a given ticker symbol
QuestorInsuranceKeysReturns keys used by SJOVA, VIS and TM
QuestorKeyFiguresDailySDDReturns a data set with daily numbers for key figures such as EV/EBITDA, P/E etc for a given symbol and a given date range (inclusive)
QuestorKeyLevelReturns the tree position (level) for a given key ID
QuestorKeyLookupReturns value for a given key ID
QuestorKeyLookupDKey look up given a symbol, date and key. Returns value for the given key on or before the date given.
QuestorKeyLookupReleaseDKey look up given a symbol, date and key. Returns value for the given key on or before the date given. Reference date is the release date of the report, not the end of the most recent period.
Trailing twelve month key lookup before or equal to a given date. There needs to be four quarters available. If the quarters are not consecutive, the outcome might be incorrect.
Returns trailing twelve month value based on a given symbol and key id as well on or before a given date. This function uses release date of reports rather than the end of period date.
QuestorKeyNameENReturns the name of a key in English
QuestorKeyNameISName of the given key in Icelandic
QuestorKeyParentIDFetch the parent key id for a given key id
Returns the placement in the key tree for a given Key ID or when a formula key, returns the formula for the key.
QuestorKeyParentIDDoubleFetch the parent key id for a given key idQuestorKeyLevelIntegerReturns the tree position (level) for a given key IDQuestorKeyNameISStringName of the given key in Icelandic

With QuestorKeyNameIS you can look up the name of a key using the following parameters:

Symbol (example: TM, N1)

Key ID (examples: 200000 will give you "Eignir")
QuestorKeysAll the public keys
QuestorKeysBanksReturns all the keys use by the banks ARION, ISB, LBANK and KVIKA
QuestorKeysRetailReturns the keys for HAGA, N1 and SKEL
QuestorKeysTelecomReturns the keys for SIMINN and VOICE
QuestorLatestQuarterlyReportQuarterReturns the quarter name for the latest quarterly report for a given company.
QuestorLatestQuarterlyReportQuarterDReturns the quarter name for the latest quarterly report for a given company before or on a given date.
QuestorLatestQuarterlyReportYearReturns the fiscal year for the latest quarterly report for a given company.
QuestorLatestQuarterlyReportYearDReturns the fiscal year for the latest quarterly report for a given company on or before a given date
QuestorLatestReportDReturns the period end date for the latest report on or before the given date.
QuestorMarketCapFXDReturns the market capital for a given symbol on or latest before a given date in the latest reporting currency of the given company. Uses the latest average FX rate for the reporting currency on the given date.
QuestorNetInterestBearingLiabilitiesOverEbitdaSDReturns net interest bearing liabilities / EBITDA TTM for a given symbol and a given date. Calculated as interest bearing liabilities (key: 920500) - Cash (key: 224000) and divided by EBITDA TTM.
QuestorNetInterestBearingLiabilitiesSDReturns net interest bearing liabilities for a given symbol and a given date. Calculated as interest bearing liabilities (key: 920500) - Cash (key: 224000)
QuestorNOIYieldSDReturns the net real estate income divided by real estate assets ratio for a given symbol and a given trading date.
QuestorOperatingIncomeReturns operating income
QuestorPeriodEndReturns the date at which the given period ends. Inputs are symbol, fiscal year and the period name in question.
QuestorPriceToBookSDReturns P/B ratio for a given symbol on a given date. P/B calculated as Market Capital divided by Equity.
QuestorPriceToEarningsAveSDDReturns the average price to earnings ratio for a given symbol and a given period.
QuestorPriceToEarningsSDReturns the trailing twelve month P/E ratio for a given symbol before or on a given trading date.
QuestorRealEstateKeysReturns keys used by REITIR, EIK, REGINN and HEIMA.
QuestorReleaseDateDReturns the latest report release date for a given symbol before or on a given date.
QuestorReportCurrencyReturns the currency denomination of a given report
QuestorReportReleaseSYPReturns the release date for a given symbol, financial year and period name
QuestorReportsReturns the reports available for a given symbol
QuestorTotalIncomeReturns total income give a symbol, year and period

Example sheets