A list of all alerts can we found by clicking “Alerts“ in the main menu. Users can filter alerts by date and the status of the alert event.
The goal of the user is that all alert events are eventually Closed. Sigti supports the below Alert event statuses:
The status of an Alert event can be changed in the “Alert event details“ window. The “Alert event details“ window is opened by clicking “Review“ in the Alerts list
To investigate an Alert event the user can look at the tick data by clicking the symbol of the tradable. The Tick data data windows opens on the appropriate date and the Alert event will be highlighted int the Tick data table.All status changes and comments are saved in the Alert event History. Note that the comment is associated with the status change so each status change can have its own comment. Alert event history can be viewed by clicking the “HISTORY“ tab in the Alert event details window.
Alert configuration
Alerts can be are configured per organization/user group. If a change is made to the alert configuration that change applies to alerts for all users in that organization/user group.
Alert configuration only applies to the way the alert events are displayed, not how alerts events are generated. All alert events are generated each day but the configuration dictates what events are displayed to the user in the Sigti user interface. If we look “Large order“ as an example, events are generated for all orders larger than 70m ISK but the configuration for the organization dictates what events are shown to the users in that organization. If the “Large order value“ is set to 200m, only events for orders lager larger than 200m are displayed to the user.
This also means that changing the configuration will show alert events from the past which were previously filtered out due to the config.
The tick data page
To investigate an Alert event, the user can click the symbol of the tradable, allowing them to see all tick data for the day of the alert. The Tick data window opens on the appropriate date and the clicked Alert event will be highlighted in the Tick data table.
The Tick data page is where users can investigate actions in the orderbookorder book. The page consists of a chart showing best ask and best bid, the tick data table and a sidebar with market news, order changes, alerts and , bookmarks and the composition of the orderbook order book at any time during the trading day.
When the user clicks a line in the Tick data table the Order book side tab shows the current orderbook order book at that point in time and the trades that had executed at that time of the day.
Order history shows the full history of the selected order in the Tick data table.
More about the tick data types can be /wiki/spaces/SIGTI/pages/1292828806.
The chart
The chart has 6 graphs consisting of:
The best ask (lowest value / top of the book)
The best bids (highest value / top of the book)
Standard trades (achieved through orders being matched)
Non-Standard trades (achieved through trade reports)
News articles
Alert events
Users can click each value on the graph and table will select that value and scroll to it. The timeline at the bottom can be moved and set to any desired time period. The different graphs can also be turned on and off by pressing the graph name in the legend on the right side. The selected tick is always highlighted on the graph with a vertical gray line.
Filtering tick data
Tick data can be filtered using the input boxes in the table header. Some filters are drop-down menus where the user selects one of the available options, such as “Order” and “Deleted” in the Example below. The other fields are filtered by matching the text input to the value in the table such as “1.92” in the price field.
Sorting tick data
Tick data can be sorted by pressing the table header title. In the example below we sort orders by price in descending order. The sorted table header has a small arrow pointing down for descending sort, and pointing up for ascending sort. This works on numbers, as well as alphabetically for non-numeric values.
The “Extra Info” button
For every tick, there is an Extra information button: a black circle with a white i inside. This button provides a menu with extra information specific to each tick. This is helpful for finding information such as ID, Time in Force, Remaining Quantity, etc.
The Alert-Cause Button
Each alert event is caused by a specific tick, whether it be a public order or trade, or a private order, trade or trade report. The tick which caused the alert event is marked with a Bell icon, as well as the alert event itself. This Bell icon can be clicked from the tick to select the Alert event, or clicked from the alert event to select the tick that caused it. This is especially helpful for when there are many alerts in a short time span, which can be confusing which alerts correspond to which tick.
The Bookmark feature
Users can add bookmarks to ticks, marking them with a comment to help investigate or explain anomalies in the trading day. The user selects a tick by clicking it, and then adds a bookmark by filling in the text input in the top bar and clicking Save. The bookmark is seperate tick which marks the timestamp of the tick and the comment the user provided. The bookmark is also visible in the ALERTS/BOOKMARKS tab in the side bar. All bookmarks for the organization can be found in the Bookmarks tab in the navigation bar.
There are four reports available for users: two for all users and two only for private data users. The user selects a time range and receives a report for the following items based on said time range:
Cancelled Standard Trades (all)
Broken Trade Reports (all)
Alert Summary (private data)
Alert Summary per Trader ID (private data)