New Features for the Kodiak OMS Client
The Client Order entry window now contains a the Invoice Amount. The market value, fee amount and Total invoice is calculated when the order information is entered.
Users can type in M, to type in for six zeros, in the minimum QTY input box in Market Orders Entry window.
Market depth does not show the orderbook state in minimized so that other numbers do not get cut off.
History search for Orders, Client Orders and Trades now has an autocomplete search box for symbols.
Status bar has now been condensed to save space.
It is now possible to right click on a Price Quote row and select View Last/Buy order. Then the user can view details about the last order that was sent to the market.
Cancel all orders performance has been improved. All price quote orders are sent to the exchange at the same time.
Get last values now returns the price for the lastest entered order from the server and not only locally.
Improved Cancel all orders so that orders are cancelled much faster.
Price Quote bug fixes
This version contains bug fixes for the Price Quote window. Orders are not sent to the market when using the Ctrl + Arrow up or Arrow down buttons.
Imbalance is not displayed in the Market Depth window if there is no imbalance in the pre-open or pre-close…close
Improved the Tooltip for orders in the Martket Depth and Watch List controls so that they show more information.
Fixed an rare issue where a private order would get disconnected from the market data order and would not be highlighted.
Fixed issue where adding a submarket would sometimes only work on the second try.