What's New in Version 2.0
- New and improved Allocation functionality
- Ability to Allocate Market Orders or Trades. All without the need to create Client Orders
- Splitting orders is no longer needed.
- New Allocation Window
- All the same input parameters as Client Orders
- Ability to add Order Reference number when allocating.
- New Allocations View which gives you an overview of the day's Allocation activity.
- Allocations Search where you can search for historic Allocation activity.
- Allocation Information is now visible on Client Orders, Market Orders and Trades
- Allocation Details window.
- Market Orders
- Self trade Prevention functionality has been added to the Oms
- Nordic@Mid
- Display Ranges
- Client Orders
- New Client order window with more information about clients, portfolios and accounts
- Ability to add an Order Reference to Client Orders
- Default portfolio: Default portfolio for a customer can be set in the database
- Ability to enter a portfolio reference number in the portflio drop down to lookup client
- Market Making
- Aggregate Trades
- Show Aggregate Trades for a all time, today or a custom list.
- Manual Trade: Now it is possible to change manual trades from the Aggregated trades window
- Price Quotes
- Market Data
- Watch List
- Market Depth
- Trade Ticker
- New Icons have been added to the Oms client
- Fund orders update
- Faster login
- Excel RTD update
- Possible to config the Oms client on the Kodiak server
- Database changes
- Possible to set a default GTT value in the settings window.
- Bug fixes
- Manual handling error fix
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