Alert configuration only applies to the way the alert events are displayed, not how alerts events are generated. All alert events are generated each day but the configuration dictates what events are displayed to the user in the Sigti user interface. If we look “Large order“ as an example, events are generated for all orders larger than 70m ISK but the configuration for the organization dictates what events are shown to the users in that organization. If the “Large order value“ is set to 200m, only events for orders lager than 200m are displayed to the user.
Tick data
The Tick data page is where users can investigate actions in the orderbook. The page consists of a chart showing best ask and best bid, the tick data table and a sidebar with market news, order changes, alerts and bookmarks and the composition of the orderbook at any time during the trading day.
When the user clicks a line in the Tick data table the Order book side tab shows the current orderbook at that point in time and the trades that had executed at that time of the day.
Order history shows the full history of the selected order in the Tick data table.